
Grid component with CRUD for Blazor (client-side and server-side) and ASP.NET Core MVC

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


A fork from: https://gridmvc.codeplex.com/

It supports .NET Core 3.1


  • Grid components have been moved to GridBlazor.Pages folder in GridBlazor 1.3.2. You must add a reference to this namespace in the _Imports.razor:

        @using GridBlazor.Pages
  • Blazor Server App require these changes on to the _Host.cshtml file for .Net Core 3.1:

        <link href="_content/GridBlazor/css/gridblazor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <script src="_content/GridBlazor/js/gridblazor.js"></script>
  • Blazor WebAssembly projects require to use a new constructor of the GridClient object including an HttpClient object from Dependency Injection for .Net Core 3.1:

        @page "/..."
        @inject HttpClient httpClient
        protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
            var client = new GridClient<Order>(httpClient, url, query, false, "ordersGrid", Columns);
  • The button to clear all filters is disabled by default starting from GridBlazor version 1.3.6. You can enable it using the ClearFiltersButton method of the GridClient object:

        var client = new GridClient<Order>(httpClient, url, query, false, "ordersGrid", Columns).ClearFiltersButton(true);



Folder description

The SQL Server database for all demos can be downloaded from here


There are native C# Grid components for Blazor client-side and server-side, and for ASP.NET Core MVC.

You can find the specific documentation for each environment clicking the following links:

This is an example of a table of items using this component:

Image of GridBlazor