Angular Step Up Auth Example

This project demonstrates using step up authentication challenge (RFC 9470) in an Angular application. This project is an Angular frontend and NestJS backend in a Lerna monorepo. Both frontend and API projects are minimal and is for demonstration purposes only.

Getting going

Clone the repo. You may want to fork it first so you can track changes in GitHub.

Install dependencies by running npm ci.

Start the project by running npm start. This starts the frontend app on port 4200 and proxies API calls to the API project running on port 3000.

See the completed project

Join the workshop for the full-experience and hands-on coding. Check out the completed branch to see the final project.

Created by Alisa Duncan 2024

Author not responsible for production use or ongoing maintenance. Reach out to, @AlisaDuncan on Twitter, or @jalisaduncan on LinkedIn for any questions.