
Exploring some ideas and examples for the Okta Angular SDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.2.5.

This is an example of OktaAngular SDK and consuming the SDK. It demonstrates

  1. Using Angular CLI to create a library project, which sets up the build tools for the library and sets configuration for consuming the library in the same project - file paths are editable in the angular.json for better consistency with other projects. You can recreate the project using the following Angular CLI commands
ng new okta-angular --no-create-application
cd okta-angular
ng g library okta-angular
ng g application okta-app --routing --style=css
  1. Sets up forRoot() recommended pattern for configuring the OktaAuthModule without requiring the consumer to configure the OKTA_CONFIG injection token provider and to ensure a singleton of the module exists for the application.
  2. Demonstrates watching RouterEvents to avoid defining a route specifically for the callback component
  3. Enhances the existing SDK with the ability to load Okta configuration asynchronously (such as via a Http call) as a built-in capability. Decoupling the config loading from app loading allows the consumer to avoid having to go through a multi-step workaround and making the external server call when bootstrapping the application as shown in this repo.

Getting going

git clone git@github.com:alisaduncan/okta-angular-exploration.git
cd okta-angular-exploration
npm ci

Build the library

npm run build okta-angular

Run the app

Update with your Okta config or run a server for the config loading which returns the config values. The okta-angular-async-config-example repo has an Express server you can use

Once you have your configs set up

npm start

App runs on localhost:4200

Alternatively, run the following to have the app auto open

npm start -- -o

Minimum code changes to apply the .forRoot() pattern additively are named with the text Orig, such as OktaAuthOrigModule and OktaAuthStateOrigService. The consuming code example has example code using the .forRoot() and the current mechanism commented out. The consuming code example also has the code to handle the external loading of the Okta config commented out.