
Apollogram | A place where you could share photos, like media, and follow peoples.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Instagram Clone | Social Media Application

Web UI Mobile UI
web-screenshot mobile-screenshot

Stacks Used

Frontend Backend
React GraphQL + Express
TailwindCSS TypeORM, PostgreSQL
Apollo Client Apollo Server

Get Started


  • node v^14.5
  • yarn v^1.22.5 - required for file upload feature to work on backend
  • git - version control
  • PostgreSQL - Database
  • Cloudinary Account


  • Clone the repo - git clone https://github.com/aseerkt/apollo-instagram-clone.git
Setting up backend
  • Go to server folder - cd server
  • Install dependencies - yarn
  • Make sure PostgreSQL and Redis/MongoDB databases are ready for connection.
  • Create .env file with the command cp .env.exmaple .env and fill in necessary fields
  • Provide your PostgreSQL connection config in ormconfig.js
  • Start the development server - yarn dev
  • Go to url http://localhost:5000/graphql for GraphQL playground.
  • Seed the db with mock data if needed. yarn seed
Setting up frontend
  • Go to client folder - cd client
  • Install dependencies - yarn
  • cp .env.example .env and fill the fields in the file .env
  • Start the react development server - yarn start
  • Go to url http://localhost:3000


  • JWT cookie based authentication
  • Upload images to cloudinary
  • Add, like or unlike post
  • Comment on post
  • Edit Profile Photo with Image Crop
  • Edit Profile Credentials
  • Post pagination
  • Edit / Delete post
  • Follow / Unfollow Feature
  • Follow Suggestions
  • Post Feed based on followings
  • Hashtag support
  • Smiley support for caption and comments
  • Mention poeples in caption and comments
  • Notifications



  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
