
C# to C++ transpiler (Cs2Cpp) (Powered by Roslyn)

Primary LanguageC#

C# to C++ transpiler (Cs2Cpp)

The Cs2Cpp repo contains the complete source code implementation for Cs2Cpp. It includes CoreLib, and many other components. It is cross-platform.

Chat Room

Want to chat with other members of the Cs2Cpp community?

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/ASDAlexander77/cs2cpp

Engage, Contribute and Provide Feedback

Some of the best ways to contribute are to try things out, file bugs, and join in design conversations.


Cs2Cpp is licensed under the MIT license.

Quick Start

Prerequisite: CMake, .NET 4.6, GCC 5.0+ or Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Community Edition

  1. Build Project
cd Il2Native
MSBuild Il2Native.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU"

or open Il2Native.sln in Visual Studio 2017 and compile it

  1. Build CoreLib (aka mscorlib)
cd CoreLib
MSBuild CoreLib.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="AnyCPU"
  1. Create a temporary folder to build projects/files
cd ..\..
mkdir playground
cd playground
  1. Generating CoreLib C++ project
..\Il2Native\Il2Native\bin\Debug\Cs2Cpp.exe /release ..\Il2Native\CoreLib\CoreLib.csproj
  1. Compile it
cd CoreLib

Now you have compiled CoreLib (mscorelib)

  1. Compile HelloWorld.cs
cd ..

create file HelloWorld.cs

using System;

class X {
	public static int Main (string [] args)
		Console.WriteLine ("Hello, World!");
		return 0;
..\Il2Native\Il2Native\bin\Debug\Cs2Cpp.exe /release HelloWorld.cs /corelib:..\Il2Native\CoreLib\bin\Release\CoreLib.dll
cd HelloWorld

Now you have HelloWorld.exe