Mikro-ORM Reproductions




Environment variables can be changed in the .env file, which are then used in the mikro-orm.config.ts file to connect to the database.


With Docker Compose

If you have have docker-compose installed you can use the docker versions of the commands, which runs a MySQL docker container as part of the setup, meaning no installation of MySQL is required on your system. Just docker is needed.

Creating migrations yarn migration:create

Running migrations yarn migration:up

Rolling back a single migration yarn migration:down

Running tests yarn test

Running tests (and watch) yarn test:watch

Without Docker Compose

Creating migrations yarn mikro-orm migration:create -d

Running migrations yarn mikro-orm migration:up

Rolling back a single migration yarn mikro-orm migration:down

Running tests yarn jest --run-in-band

Running tests (and watch) yarn jest --run-in-band --watch