
Boilerplate for a universal react application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Universal React boilerplate

Isomorphic (universal) React boilerplate, with code-splitting, hot reloading, dev and prod builds already setup.

Features/technologies included:

  • React
  • React Router v3 - Routing
  • Glamor - JavaScript styles
  • React Hot loader - Hot reloading
  • React Helmet - Handling head (title/meta) tags
  • Nodemon - Runs server in dev mode
  • Webpack (v2-beta) - For build phase
  • Webpack Dev Server - Serves built files in dev mode
  • Babel - Transpilation from stage 1 features
  • Eslint - Linting
  • Jest - Testing


  • SPLIT=true - Forces app to do code-splitting in dev mode


Simply run:

npm run dev

Then go to localhost:9000.

Use the SPLIT=true environment variable setting to force code splitting in dev mode. It is off by default to allow hot reloading to work properly.


npm run prod

NOTE This command uses nodemon at the moment (to allow easier testing of production mode). For actual production builds replace nodemon with a regular node command.