
Example to deploy a Rails application with authentication using Devise on Koyeb

Primary LanguageRuby


Koyeb Serverless Platform

Deploy a Rails application using Devise on Koyeb
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About Koyeb and the Rails using Devise example application

Koyeb is a developer-friendly serverless platform to deploy apps globally. No-ops, servers, or infrastructure management. This repository contains a Rails application using Devise you can deploy on the Koyeb serverless platform for testing.

This example application is designed to show how a Rails application using Devise can be deployed on Koyeb.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to deploy and run the Rails application using Devise on your Koyeb account.


You need a Koyeb account to successfully deploy and run this application. If you don't already have an account, you can sign-up for free here.

Deploy using the Koyeb button

The fastest way to deploy the Rails application using Devise is to click the Deploy to Koyeb button below.

Deploy to Koyeb

Clicking on this button brings you to the Koyeb App creation page with everything pre-set to launch this application.

To modify this application example, you will need to fork this repository. Checkout the fork and deploy instructions.

Fork and deploy to Koyeb

If you want to customize and enhance this application, you need to fork this repository.

If you used the Deploy to Koyeb button, you can simply link your service to your forked repository to be able to push changes. Alternatively, you can manually create the application as described below.

On the Koyeb Control Panel, click the Create App button to go to the App creation page.

  1. Select GitHub as the deployment method to use
  2. In the repositories list, select the repository you just forked
  3. Specify the branch to deploy, in this case main
  4. To let Koyeb know how to launch the application, add rails db:migrate && rails db:seed && rails server as the run command
  5. Set the DATABASE_URL environment variable with the connection URL for your PostgreSQL database, which should look as follows: postgresql://__USER__:__PASSWORD__@__HOST__/__DATABASE__
  6. Then, give your App a name, i.e rails-devise-on-koyeb, and click Create App.

You land on the deployment page where you can follow the build of your Rails application. Once the build is completed, your application is being deployed and you will be able to access it via <YOUR_APP_NAME>-<YOUR_ORG_NAME>.koyeb.app.


If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions regarding this application sample, feel free to open an issue or fork this repository and open a pull request.


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