node-RED node that determines blind position based on the position of the sun and climatic conditions
- 0
Max Closed doesn't allow for 0 value
#44 opened by ryanschmidt - 0
Options don't work
#46 opened by RayOfLight1 - 0
- 0
- 4
- 2
Position feedback input
#40 opened by mvandenabeele - 1
logicalBlindPosition wrong when opposite=true
#39 opened by MRobi1 - 0
Time "frühstens (min)" via context variable?
#41 opened by FreeTechNick - 4
Support biorhythm additionally to astro functions
#32 opened by renne - 2
Ignore sun position higher than threshold
#38 opened by maramend - 4
Explanation of orientation and offset
#13 opened by vzorglub - 2
UV Threshold behaviour
#35 opened by Swiftnesses - 1
#37 opened by KenGrant - 4
Close blinds while it rains
#30 opened by renne - 2
Support ventilation
#31 opened by renne - 8
[Question] Using blind controller with openhab
#34 opened by patrickse - 5
- 1
Windows sensor input
#29 opened by BeenThereScrewedUp - 2
Fix variable names in
#33 opened by renne - 3
Cloud payload
#15 opened by myozone - 1
- 4
UV Threshold :-)
#28 opened by Swiftnesses - 2
Units not defined in the Flow description
#18 opened by ouinouin - 3
Allow close payload of 0
#25 opened by Swiftnesses - 12
Improve blindPosition override
#22 opened by jonferreira - 3
Make node-input-channel accept text
#21 opened by jonferreira - 3
- 3
[Question] Expiry period
#17 opened by Glatzi77 - 2
Altitude Treshold is ignored
#16 opened by Glatzi77 - 6
Orientation and Mode change
#14 opened by vzorglub - 1
Provide mechanism to edit figures
#6 opened by alisdairjsmyth - 1
measurement is in inch or cm ?
#12 opened by MaxRei-dev - 6
- 6
isOvercast improvement
#10 opened by jonferreira - 4
SunInWindow always true after update
#9 opened by jonferreira - 1
- 12
Orientation problems
#3 opened by jonferreira - 17
winter blinds controller
#2 opened by tzapu - 1
- 1