
You can use this code snippet to convert Airtable url(entire column) to Images(Attachment) column

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Airtable Image URL => Image Attachment Auto Uploader

You can use this code snippet to convert Airtable url(entire column) to Images(Attachment) column

How to?

  1. Git clone codebase git clone git@github.com:alishahlakhani/airtable-urls-to-image-api.git
  2. Change directory cd ./airtable-urls-to-image
  3. Install dependencies npm install or yarn
  4. Update configs.js. Open configs.js and updated the following urls
module.exports = {
  // This is your Airtable API KEY
  API_KEY: "Insert your key here",
  // This is the base you are updating
  BASE_ID: "Insert your base Id",
  // This is the base name you're updating
  BASE_NAME: "Insert your base name",
  // This is the view which you're updating
  VIEW_NAME: "Insert your view name",
  // [IMPORTANT] - Column name where image urls are present
  URL_TEXT_COLUMN_NAME: "Insert column name where images are in url format",
  // [IMPORTANT] - Column name where image will be uploaded. Please ensure that the type of this column is 'Attachment'
    "Insert column name where image type is Attachment",
  1. Run code & Voila npm run start