
A set of components for making a emoji panel used in text messaging apps. Some codes are grabbed from telegram open source project.

Primary LanguageJava


A set of components and classes that make it possible to have emoticons in your app. (Image assets and some sources are grabbed from Telegram open source project)

Components and Widgets:

  • EmojiPanel: A panel with tabs and list which will be bound to an EditText and insert emoticons in it.
  • EmojiEditText and EmojiTextView: Provide automatic conversion of emoji characters to supported EmojiSpans
  • EmojiImageView: An ImageView which has a emojiCode property used to set a displaying emoji. Also has showSkinColor which causes a circle to be drawn at bottom right corner of it.
  • EmojiSpan: A ReplacementSpan used to display our emojis in texts.
  • PagerPanel: A panel with a ViewPager and tabs to support a panel with multy views shown as pages.

How to use:

  • Simply initialize it with one line (before using any part of the library):

And now you can use the components.

How to handle keyboard and swithes with my panel?

A class called PanelOpenHelper is made for this purpose. But the area you want to have your panel in it must has the following structure:

  <Everything that you want to show.../>      nonEmojiContent
  <Your Panel/>                               panel

To get the helper class working correctly, it is important to consider that the parent must be a FrameLayout and your panel must be a direct child of it. Also your activity's windowSoftInputMode must be adjustResize. Then you can use it like this:

openHelper = PanelOpenHelper(context, theTextToGetFocus, panel, btn_switch, nonEmojiContent, frameParent)
openHelper.panelVisibilityChanged += { _, args -> if (args.isVisible) emojiPanel.updateRecentEmojis() }
btn_switch.setOnClickListener { openHelper.switchPanel() }

//If you want to close the panel when back button is pressed
override fun onBackPressed() {
  if (openHelper.isPanelShowing)