
Use Grunt and grunt-sass to compile your SCSS into CSS from the command line.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SCSS Starter

A basic application for compiling SCSS to CSS.


Start by cloning the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/alissalikavec/grunt-scss.git

First, this project uses Node and NPM - read and follow Bloc's resource on installing Node and NPM before getting started. You'll need to install them before moving on.

The project uses Grunt to run tasks in development, specifically to compile our main.scss file to main.css. You can review Bloc's resource on using Grunt before using this application if you're curious.

Once you've installed Node and NPM, install the project dependencies by running this command inside of your project's directory:

$ npm install

Do this before doing anything else.

Run the Application

Once you've run npm install, compile the SCSS stylesheet to CSS by entering this into your terminal:

$ grunt

This will compile your main.scss file into main.css.

You'll be writing your styles in main.scss, and when you run grunt in your terminal those styles will be compiled into main.css. Don't write your CSS in main.css or it will be overwritten!

main.css is loaded via index.html, which then displays our styles. Yay!

Sass/SCSS Documentation

SCSS is the main syntax for Sass. Check out what you can do with it in the docs.