
Primary LanguageJava

Project 7: Route

This is the directions document for Project 7 Route in CompSci 201 at Duke University, Fall23 2023.

See the details document for information on using Git, starting the project, and more details about the project including information about the classes and concepts that are outlined briefly below. You'll absolutely need to read the information in the details document to understand how the classes in this project work independently and together. The details document also contains project-specific details. This current document provides a high-level overview of the assignment.

You are STRONGLY encouraged to work with a partner on this final project! See the details document for information on using Git with a partner and how the workflow can proceed.


This project was initially developed by Brandon Fain and the UTA/TA team in 201, with some ephemeral connection to the Bear Maps project from UC Berkeley's 61B course.


Project Introduction

In this project you are asked to implement a routing service that represents the United States highway network as a graph and calculates routes and distances on this network. At a high level, in part 1 you will implement GraphProcessor which stores a graph representation and provides public methods to answer connectivity, distance, and pathfinding queries. This part of the project will be autograded as per usual.

In part 2 you will implement a main method in GraphDemo that produces a minimal viable product (sometimes known in industry as an MVP) demonstrating the functionality of GraphProcessor and visualizing the results. You could, for example, include a video of your demo as part of submitting something for P8 Create.

To complete Part 1, you'll need to understand the classes you're given and the code you're asked to write. The classes you're given include Point and Visualize (which uses the StdDraw class you used in P1 NBody), and some JUnit testing classes. Details can be found in details document with a high-level overview here.


The Point Class

You are provided in the starter code with Point.java that represents an immutable (meaning it cannot be changed after creation) point on the Earth's surface. You call methods in this class, details can be found in the details document. You'll use this class extensively to represent vertices in a graph. You will not change Point.

The Visualize Class

Visualize.java (which, in turn, uses StdDraw.java, though you won't need to directly call anything from this class). You do not need to edit this class, methods and details can be found in the details document.

Part 1: Implementing GraphProcessor

In this part you will implement GraphProcessor, which stores a graph representation and provides public methods to answer connectivity, distance, and pathfinding queries. This part of the project will be autograded. To pass autograder compilation, you must write your GraphProcessor implemention entirely within the provided GraphProcessor.java file. If you use helper classes, they should be included in the file as nested classes.

JUnit tests are also supplied to test your code locally, and we suggest starting by testing with the straightforward TestSimpleGraphProcessor for ease of debugging. Once you pass TestSimpleGraphProcessor, you can also check compliance with TestUSGraphProcessor, which runs on the same data as the autograder. However, you may need to make some changes before you can run JUnit tests locally for this project -- the changes can be found in the details document.

The starter code for GraphProcessor.java includes five public methods you must implement (there are two methods with empty bodies you will not implement, they're for future use). Each is described below and also in javadocs inside of the starter code. While these are the only methods you must implement, you are very much encouraged to create additional helper methods where convenient for keeping your code organized and to avoid repetitive code. As a rough rule of thumb, if you find yourself writing a method that is longer than fits on your text editor at once (maybe 30 lines), or if you find yourself copy/pasting many lines of code, you might consider abstracting some of that away into a helper method.

Instance variables

You will need to add instance variables to your GraphProcessor class to represent a graph, but exactly how to do this is left up to you. Remember that vertices/nodes in the graph will be Point objects, see the Point class. As a reminder/hint, your graph representation should allow you to efficiently do things like:

  • Check if two vertices are adjacent (meaning there is an edge between them), or
  • For a given vertex, lookup/loop over all of its adjacent vertices.

In class examples we typically used an adjacency list representation, e.g., Map<Point, List<Point>> or Map<Point, Set<Point>> for the myGraph instance variable. You are strongly encouraged to use such a map in your code. Initialize your instance variables in the GraphProcessor constructor.

Implement initialize

This method takes as input a FileInputStream. This input stream should be for a file in the .graph format which is described in detail in the details document as is this method initialize. You'll need to read that information to see what initialize does, how to test it, and perhaps more about how to create instance variables. The code you're given in GraphDemo.main calls initialize as an example.

Implement nearestPoint

In general you may be interested in routing between points that are not themselves vertices of the graph, in which case you need to be able to find the closest points actually on the graph. This method takes a Point p as input and returns the vertex in the graph that is closest to p, in terms of the straight-line distance calculated by the distance method of the Point class, NOT shortest path distance, e.g., you do NOT use Dijkstra's algorithm, you simply call the Point.distance method for all vertices/points. Note that the input p may not be in the graph. If there are ties, you can break them arbitrarily. You may test correctness with testNearestPoint() in JUnit. Summary: loop over every Point that's a vertex in the graph calling p.distance(v) for these vertex points v and return the minimal/closest Point.

A simple implementation of the nearestPoint method should have $O(N)$ runtime complexity where $N$ is the number of vertices in the graph. Your implementation should be at least this efficient. It is possible to use more advanced data structures to substantial improve the runtime, but that is outside the scope of this project.

Implement routeDistance

This method takes a List<Point> route representing a path in the graph as input and should calculate the total distance along that path, starting at the first point and adding the distances from the first to the second point, the second to the third point, and so on. Use the distance method of the Point class. You may test correctness using testRouteDistance() in JUnit. Simply iterate through the points accumulating a sum of distances between points in the path. Note that this method does NOT reference the graph, it simply uses Point.distance.

The runtime complexity of the method should be linear in route.size(), that is, the number of points on the path.

Implement connected

This method takes two points p1 and p2 and should return true if the points are connected, meaning there exists a path in the graph (a sequence of edges) from p1 to p2. Otherwise, the method should return false, including if p1 or p2 are not themselves points in the graph. You may test correctness using testConnected() in JUnit.

You will get full credit for correctness if you implement connected by searching in the graph, for example, using a depth-first search (DFS) with linear runtime complexity $O(N+M)$ where $N$ is the number of vertices in the graph and $M$ is the number of edges in the graph.

Implement route

This method takes two points, start and end, as input and should return a List<Point> representing the shortest path from start to end as a sequence of points. The total distance along a path is the sum of the edge weights, equal to the sum of the straight-line distance between consecutive points (see implement routeDistance). Note that you must return the path itself, not just the distance along the path. The first point in your returned list should be start, and the last point should be end.

If there is no path between start and end, either because the two points are not in the graph, or because they are the same point, or because they are not connected in the graph, then you should throw an exception, for example:

throw new IllegalArgumentException("No path between start and end");

See the details document for information on implementing Dijkstra's algorithm.

Part 2: Creating GraphDemo

The starter code for GraphDemo.java includes a main method. Feel free to organize GraphDemo however you see fit - it will not be autograded. Running your GraphDemo main method should produce a demonstration of the functionality of your project on the USA highway network -- it already does that minimally, you're welcome to modify the code. See the details document for information. You do NOT need to make changes for the purposes of grades.

Submitting and Grading

Commit and push your code often as you develop. To submit:

  1. Submit your code on gradescope to the autograder. If you worked with a partner, you and your partner will make a single submission together on gradescope. Refer to this document for submitting to Gradescope with a partner.

The first part, GraphProcessor, will be autograded for the correctness and efficiency of the code. Most of the points are for correctness, so focus on that first rather than on efficiency, which you'll likely achieve simply by following directions. If you modify GraphDemo as suggested in the details document you can be proud of your accomplishment.