
This is a simple rest API to manage a movie rental

Primary LanguageJavaScript


To start this API:

Rename app/config.json.example to app/config.json and check the database configs Run dump.sql into your mysql database

$ npm install
$ npm start
$ # api ready at localhost:3000

Running tests

npm test


Retrieve the token using the endpoint POST /auth with this payload above:

  "email": "stevejobs@apple.com",
  "password": "the_big_apple"

If checked, the API will return

  "token": 'THE_TOKEN_HERE',
  "expires_at": 1544644

You must store the token in the front-end (cookie, localstorage, SharedPreferences...) After this, each request must be sent containing the Authorization header filled by token! Check the next step to know how to create a new user

Creating a user

POST to /users with payload above

  "name": "Steve Jobs",
  "email": "stevejobs@apple.com",
  "password": "the_big_apple"


Method Endpoint Description
GET /movies Retrieve all movies registered
GET /movies/{id} Retrieve a movie
GET /movies/search/{name} Retrieve all movies filtered by name
POST /movies Register a movie
PUT /movies/{id} Update a movie by id (full payload)
DELETE /movies/{id} Delete a movie by id
GET /customers Retrieve all customers registered
GET /customers/{id} Retrieve a customer
GET /customers/search/{name} Retrieve all customers filtered by name
POST /customers Register a customer
PUT /customers/{id} Update a customer by id (full payload)
DELETE /customers/{id} Delete a customer by id

Renting endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /rentings Retrieve all renting movies (movie and customer)
POST /rentings Rent a movie
DELETE /rentings/{rent_id} Return a movie