
download, then follow the chrome instructions. hit the button in chrome a few times to activate if someone is already in the room

Primary LanguageJavaScript

chrome extension to wander public spaces at roast.

Using the extension

  1. Download or clone this repo
  2. Follow these instructions to add the extension folder to chrome


Reproduced from.. https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted#unpacked

  1. You (might? I'm not sure) need to open the roast wander "Background Page" from the chrome://extensions/ page.

[Otherwise, we can't maintain state between jitsi pages to keep going if there's nobody in the room. (I think?) Try, and give a pull request or let me know!]


  1. You then need to go to your first jitsi room e.g. https://meet.jit.si/seniorhouseexample, and hit the "R" button in the browser.

NOTE: If there are multiple people in the room, you have to hit the "R" button a few times.