Command line tool for sending slack messages.
In my world, I quite often need to run long running scripts in screen(s). This simple script comes in handy to get notifications about when my scripts complete. So, I can move on to the next part of the process.
The 1st argument can start with an @ symobl. This indicates the slack channel to use. The remain arguments are the message to send.
SLACK_CHANNEL="#general" slack-notify say hello
# or
slack-notify @#general say hello
The script outputs the thread timestamp. This timestamp can be passed back to slack-notify to create a thread of messages.
export SLACK_CHANNEL="#notifications"
export SLACK_THREAD_TS=$(slack-notify script started)
sleep 1
slack-notify download complete
sleep 1
slack-notify processing file
sleep 1
slack-notify finished
Requires the Slack API token to be configured into an environment variable SLACK_TOKEN.
To create a Slack API token goto
Create a /etc/profile.d/ with
export SLACK_TOKEN="xyzb-1111-1111-ZZ"
export SLACK_CHANNEL="#bot_notifications"
export SLACK_USERNAME=$(hostname -s)
export SLACK_ICON_EMOJI=":large_blue_circle:"
Install the slack-notify script
curl -s -o /usr/local/bin/slack-notify
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/slack-notify