Product Searcher

This repository contains the code for an automated product searcher.


A single bot performs the following steps:

  1. Connects to the target sites search page
  2. Performs a search with specified keywords
  3. Returns the first HTML page of the results and extracts the relevant data and displays it within the console
  4. Stores the RAW HTML in a database for later processing

You can have multiple bots running at the same time performing searches against different sites.


  • All code written in python 3
  • Python libraries used:
  • Beautiful Soup
  • Requests


Perform the following steps to install

  • In a target directory clone the repo
git clone
  • Create a python virtual environment
python -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment


source venv/Scripts/activate
  • Install the required packages
pip install bs4 requests


Open the file in your favourite text/code editor

Add a customer

Each customer is stored inside the customers list as a single tuple. To add more just add another tuple


    id,           # Unique identifier for the customer
    name,         # Customers name
    description   # Description of the customer


  customers = [
      'The premier PC part specialist'

Add a scraper

A scraper is added to the scrapers list as a singular tuple. If you wish to add another scraper just add another tuple to the list


    id,             # Unique id for the scraper
    name,           # Name for this scraper
    description,    # Description of the scraper
    enabled,        # 1 to enable and 0 to disable
    customerID,     # The id of the customer this scraper belongs to
    searchTerms,    # The terms to search on
    runFrequency,   # Run the scraper once every X hours


  scrapers = [
        'All motherboards on',

Add new rules

Each customer should have there own list of rules with each rule being it's own tuple

The rules we support currently are:

  • url - The url to the customers search packages
  • searches - The CSS class that identifies the search results on a page
  • products - The CSS classes that identify a single product in the search results
  • title - The CSS class that contains the name of an individual product in the results
  • price - The CSS class which contains the price of an item in the search results


customer_scraper_rules = [
    ruleName,         # One of the rule names above
    ruleValue,        # Value for this rule
    scraperID,        # The ID of the scraper associated with this rule
    customerID        # The ID of the customer associated with this rule


techstore_mb_rules = [
        ('url', '', 1, 1),
        ('searches', 'class/search', 1, 1),
        ('products', 'class/ProductCardstyles__Wrapper-l8f8q8-1', 1, 1),
        ('title', 'class/ProductCardstyles__Title-l8f8q8-12', 1, 1),
        ('price', 'class/ProductCardstyles__PriceText-l8f8q8-14', 1, 1),
        ('stock', '', 1, 1)

Ensure the customer specific rules get added to the database

You need to add one line per set of customer rules in the # Scraper rule inserts section

Don't forget to change the second variable of the below function to the actual name you gave your customer rule list

dbc.execute(rules_sql, techstore_mb_rules)

Final Steps

  • Save and close the file

  • Run the following command to create the customers, scrapers and rules



Run the following command to start the bot(s)


Press CTRL + C to end the program


Once you are happy that the bits are working as intended then you can delete the file


  • Web Interface with Flask
  • Add docker files for web, DB and scrapers
  • Come up with a better name for the project
  • Output startup info to console
  • Use a scheduler library for the scrapers
  • Use environment variables for common config values
  • Use SQLAlchemy for scrapers
  • Add command line functions to scrapers
  • Send output to log instead of console