Front End Engineer, product designer, manufacturing enthusiast, skier, and guitarist
London, UK
Pinned Repositories
I am a Senior Software Engineer in London, UK. I specialise in JavaScript-centric web development. I am operating under my limited company, Pinecone Software Limited. I provide contract, freelance and project-based web services.
Serverless functions with admin privileges interact with Firestore, and return data for the UI. It is powered using Firebase.
A digital remote controller which performs channel changes. It also displays the current channel number and invalidates the current channel query when a channel update is made.
A single-page app that pretends to be a television. It displays the channel number and name on top of a channel image. It listens to server changes and updates the displayed image if there is a change.
This mini Vanilla JS project is about dynamically creating a table, which is filterable and sortable. We managed to perform these operations by resorting to several amazing JavaScript higher-order functions.
Over-engineered multi-step form built with React, TypeScript, Chakra UI and Vite.
A basic React - TypeScript app that allows users to add and remove names to and from a list. A user could also randomly pick from the list without picking the same name twice in a row.
A tiny React, Material UI and Redux app that accepts user input and commits it to a Redux store. React Hook Form & Yup is used to power the form and its validation.
I decided to use JavaScript date function at the core of this project. The main logic is; once the start button is pressed, the date value of that moment is stored. Every 10 ms, this stored value is subtracted from the current date value.
This project is only about adding Bootstrap to React (integrating Bootstrap with React apps) and creating a basic grid for further projects. I will not be discussing about React basics like i did in my other posts Fetching data from a RESTful API using Fetch API with React and ReactJS Login / Log Out toggle button using states
alitursucular's Repositories
This mini Vanilla JS project is about dynamically creating a table, which is filterable and sortable. We managed to perform these operations by resorting to several amazing JavaScript higher-order functions.
I decided to use JavaScript date function at the core of this project. The main logic is; once the start button is pressed, the date value of that moment is stored. Every 10 ms, this stored value is subtracted from the current date value.
I am a Senior Software Engineer in London, UK. I specialise in JavaScript-centric web development. I am operating under my limited company, Pinecone Software Limited. I provide contract, freelance and project-based web services.
This project is only about adding Bootstrap to React (integrating Bootstrap with React apps) and creating a basic grid for further projects. I will not be discussing about React basics like i did in my other posts Fetching data from a RESTful API using Fetch API with React and ReactJS Login / Log Out toggle button using states
This project simulates a ball falling from a height. In order to make the animation more realistic, I showed the shape change at the moment of impact and the decreasing height due to friction. (Bonus: Impact Effect & Bezier Curves)
I love math and I enjoy diving into the logic of things that I use. Color codes are one of them. Every color can be represented by different types and each type has different properties/areas of usage.
I have read through numerous blogs to get the setup right and lost a respectable amount of time while doing so. My sole intention is to save you some time while setting up your Apple Silicon MacBook!
This project simply shows fetching data from a RESTful API ( Once data is fetched, we filter our results and create a dynamic table element to display.
React is a modern way of dealing with the view layer by creating reusable UI components. This project is about building a toggle button using states. This is a fairly simple project but, still a good exercise. The collective knowledge of fundamental concepts enables us to deal with complex projects.
Over-engineered multi-step form built with React, TypeScript, Chakra UI and Vite.
Serverless functions with admin privileges interact with Firestore, and return data for the UI. It is powered using Firebase.
A digital remote controller which performs channel changes. It also displays the current channel number and invalidates the current channel query when a channel update is made.
A single-page app that pretends to be a television. It displays the channel number and name on top of a channel image. It listens to server changes and updates the displayed image if there is a change.
A basic React - TypeScript app that allows users to add and remove names to and from a list. A user could also randomly pick from the list without picking the same name twice in a row.
A tiny React, Material UI and Redux app that accepts user input and commits it to a Redux store. React Hook Form & Yup is used to power the form and its validation.
Designing a JavaScript constructor function of a Word Game
Firebase serverless functions & ExpressJS based GitHub repository fetcher for my professional blog
This React app generates a simple quiz based on user's Spotify playlists. It features connecting to Spotify Web API, accessing provided data, extracting useful information from that data and generating multiple choice questions. This app demonstrates an extensive usage of React features. Almost every component in the master branch has explanations and component flow information.