
Documentation of most of the code I wrote and resources I used while taking the Udacity DS Nanodegree. #GoingBackToTheBasics.

Primary LanguagePython



I am currently trying to complete Udacity's Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree in 30 days. If I do not have a certificate / the final routeplanner project uploaded here by Apr 26, 2020. Then I have failed and I deserve the burn of paying $399 out of pocket 😬.


I went through all the lessons and passed all the projects just in time, 30 days.


I leveraged Youtube and Medium a lot, some of Udacity's content was not so good in some cases so I made sure that I didn't get stuck wondering about anything on Udacity. The moment something seemed too confusing, I hit Youtube immediately.

Here are some interesting areas and the resources that helped me through them.

What next?

I am thinking of spending some of the money I saved on Udacity at https://algoexpert.io, then I should probably finish some extra content I discovered on youtube and hit the streets of Leetcode to deepen and test my understanding of what I learnt. But that's another story.