
Primary LanguageRuby


rails new airbnb-clone -T -d postgresql --css tailwind
bundle exec rails db:create
nvim config/
touch app/controllers/home_controller.rb
rspec install
bundle exec rails g controller home
rm app/helpers/home_helper.rb spec/helpers/home_helper_spec.rb

#frozen_string_literal: true It improves application performance by not allocating new space for the same string, thereby also saving time for garbage collection chores. How? when you freeze a string literal(string object), you're telling Ruby to not let any of your programs modify the string literal (object).

write test bundle exec rspec 'require_helper' rails generate rspec:install

install devise

gem devise
rails generate devise:install
bundle exec rails g devise user
bundle exec rails db:migrate db:test:prepare

localhost:3000/users/sign_in appears user form sign_in, sign_up, forgot your password

  1. Make sign in form $ rails generate devise:views

  2. add navbar https://tailwindui.com/components/application-ui/navigation/navbars

bin/dev css and js rebuild

touch app/views/layouts/_header.html.erb

create stylesheet file change css - scss install sassc

colors to root update navbar style

update manifest