The service is a simple application store or application hub for Blackflow IOT project .
The service can be configured either by setting up environment variables or by specify parameters as command line
ENV variables :
- BFH_BIND_ADDR or -addr : Server bind address
- BFH_DB_CONN_STR or -db_conn : Mongo db connection string.Default = localhost. Example mongodb://myuser:mypass@localhost:40001,otherhost:40001/mydb
- BFH_DB_NAME or -db_name : Database name
- BFH_FS_LOCATION or -fs_location : File store location
- BFH_JWT_SECRET or -jwt_secret : Jwt secret
docker rmi alivinco/blackflowhub; docker build -t alivinco/blackflowhub .
docker run --name blackflowhub -d -t -p 5050:5050 --link mongo -e BFH_DB_CONN_STR="mongo:27017" -e BFH_JWT_SECRET="_REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SECRET" alivinco/blackflowhub