
Hiddify API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This is a third-party library For Hiddify

📑 TODO :

  • API

    • Misc

      • Is Conected
      • Get System Stats
    • User

      • Get user list
      • Get User Info + Servers & Time Remain
      • Add User
      • Del User
      • Del deactive Usres
      • Get Telegram Proxy If available
    • Admin

      • Get Admin list
      • Add New Admin
      • Del admin
  • Support More Language

  • MISC

    • Write Doc
    • Error Handling

💡 Usage Php :



$api = new hiddifyApi(
    '', //! https://domain.com
    '', //! hiddify hidden path
    '' //! admin secret

$api->is_connected(); // return bool

$api->getSystemStats(); // return array

/////----------- USER API -----------\\\\\

$api->User->addUser(string $name,
                    int $package_days = 30,
                    int $package_size = 30,
                    ?string $telegram_id = null,
                    ?string $comment = null
                    string $resetMod = 'no_reset'); //! if success return user uuid else return false

$api->User->getUserList(); // return array

$api->User->getUserdetais(string $uuid); // return array


💡 Usage Node js :

Be sure to install axios,moment,dotenv modules before running !

import hiddifyApi from "node-js/api.js";

const api = new hiddifyApi(); // first edit your .env file

api.is_connected(); // return bool

api.getSystemStatus(); // return array

/////----------- USER API -----------\\\\\
const uuid = api.generateuuid();
api.addServise({ uuid, comment: "test", name: "hiddify api", day: 30, traficc: 25, telegram_id: 123456 }); //! if success return user uuid else return false

api.getUserList(); // return array

api.findServise(uuid); // return array  for find information uuid

🤝 Contributing :

Contributions to this project are always welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request or create an issue if you encounter any problems.

📃 License :

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.