- 4
Restrict Access by Url or Developer Key
#18 opened by orizens - 1
equal and like LINE 44
#23 opened by Midako - 0
How to GET multiple records
#48 opened by drveresh - 2
400 - Bad Request
#46 opened by drveresh - 7
503 - Service Unavailable
#41 opened by drveresh - 0
GET and support for NULL / NOT NULL column
#45 opened by neo62248 - 0
No json data back at postgres request
#44 opened - 0
New function for reporting table column names?
#43 opened by focussing - 1
ArrestDB + Postgresql + Nginx
#42 opened by munirkn - 2
POST return ID of newly created record?
#22 opened by simon-lang - 0
#38 opened by Joseph1977 - 0
A question about numeric data
#37 opened by aborruso - 1
- 0
409 for put / insert
#36 opened by jamespsterling - 2
Backbone & PUT requests
#15 opened by lifeofcoding - 1
getting service unavailable error
#35 opened by tbarmann - 0
PHP 5.3 tips?
#32 opened by patsimon - 3
Bad request with postgresql
#20 opened by nspassov - 0
Unable to login with blank database password
#31 opened by JayGajjar - 3
Multiple Criteria
#9 opened by AlexHowardAlex - 0
Restangular with ArrestDB
#28 opened by bebzlingga - 0
Use GET Params instead of Route
#26 opened by nomadicjosh - 0
Arrest PDO
#25 opened by kcassam - 0
Support for UUID
#24 opened by maikischa - 2
- 5
503 : Service Unavailable
#21 opened by mehdicopter - 2
- 1
Working with angualrJS Resource
#16 opened by sraparla - 3
503 Service Unavailable
#7 opened by PaulJobMeeter - 1
- 1
Add CSRF protection
#13 opened by lievenjanssen - 1
replace #num by #any
#11 opened by lievenjanssen - 20
debug mechanism
#3 opened by ctzurcanu - 1
swallowing exception !!!
#8 opened by mdespriee - 4
"Service Unavailable"
#6 opened by anasmatic - 1
- 6
correct .htaccess ?
#2 opened by ctzurcanu - 4
Problemas com o postgres
#1 opened by aweiand