
Linked List Introduction

Primary LanguageC++


Linked List Introduction

Create a program to store and manage a data using single linear linked list


Create ADT of single linked list

  • group 1-5 : infotype is school-related data (ex: student, course, book, etc.)

  • group 6-11: infotype is compaly-related data (ex: staff, department, building, etc.)

  • the infotype (struct list element) must have

    • 1 variable member that can act as an ID
    • at least 4 other variable members
  • each group must have different infotype

  • define a function to allocate an element list

    • function allocate(in: x : infotype) : address
  • define insert and delete procedure

    • procedure insertFirst( i/o: L : List, i: P : address )
    • procedure insertLast( i/o: L : List, i: P : address )
    • procedure insertAfter( i/o: L : List, i: P : address, Prec : address )
    • procedure deleteFirst( i/o: L : List, i/o: P : address )
    • procedure deleteLast( i/o: L : List, i/o: P : address )
    • procedure deleteAfter( i/o: L : List, i/o: P : address, Prec : address )
  • define search function and view procedure

    • function searchElement( i: L : List, x : infotype ) : address
    • procedure viewList( i: L : List )
  • for additional point

  • define search function using sentinel

    • function searchSentinel( i: L : List, x : infotype ) : address
  • define insertion sort procedure

    • procedure insertionSort( i: L : List )


Implement function and procedure defined in list.h

  • In a group of 4: each member is to write 2 functions/procedures


Create a main menu to run your application
Menu Application:

  1. insert first
  2. insert after
  3. insert last
  4. delete first
  5. delete after
  6. delete last
  7. view list
  8. search element