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by Charles Bel (@charlesbel) version 3.0
- Use it at your own risk, Microsoft may ban your account (and I would not be responsible for it)
Install requirements with the following command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you have Chrome installed
Install ChromeDriver:You no longer need to do this step since selenium >=4.10.0 include a webdriver manager
To update your selenium version, run this command :
pip install selenium --upgrade
Edit the
with your accounts credentials and rename it by removing.sample
at the end (ex.accounts.json
)- If you want to add more than one account, the syntax is the following:
[ { "username": "Your Email", "password": "Your Password" }, { "username": "Your Email", "password": "Your Password" } ]
Run the script:
python main.py
- Bing searches (Desktop, Mobile and Edge) with User-Agents
- Complete automatically the daily set
- Complete automatically punch cards
- Complete automatically the others promotions
- Headless Mode
- Multi-Account Management
- Session storing (3.0)
- 2FA Support (3.0)