
Upday Interview application

Primary LanguageDart


A new Flutter project.

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This assignment is a simple application which contains simple API calling and fetching data into models and repositories.

The architecture is based on Bloc pattern which I preder for this requirement. I used repository which is responsible for fetchiing data weather they are on API or socket or database. Furthermore we have provider which is responsible to get data that ita repository needs from each service like API or database. And at the verge of our application we have services to implement simple functions for the data provider like get and post for API.

Our Bloc that I called it Home Bloc contains some states for this API calling, the initial state for the first state that we have and the loading state for when we are fetching data from API and the success and failure when we got the data. The events are just for the first API call and othe one for getting more data for other image pages.

The UI is a simple scrolling widgets and they are not looking beautiful, since I didn't have designs for this assignment. However, I have focused on how smooth they are. I used slivers rather than using simple widgets. Slivers widgets are the widgets that framework uses in the backend and we can use them for our needs that we have here.

I could write unit tests for our Bloc and they are four possible scenarios which are testing initial state and getting first data and getting more data from API and the last one is the failure one.

Some of my projects that I'm really proud of are in my Github and you can check them right here. And one of them that I most like that and I wrote some articles about that is my Gallery project.

I hope you enjoyed this project.