
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

JLOD stands for JSON Local Document Database, it is a serverless, no-SQL in-process library that implements a self-contained document-oriented database use for storing small application data within an application without an internet connection. The database is like MongoDB, it uses Collection, Documents, and JSON objects. The JLOD is a version of SQLite in document format, the JLOD collections can be exported to Remote MongoDB collection as well as remote MongoDB collection can also be imported to the JLOD database.

Unlike MongoDB. JLOD does not have a separate server process. JLOD reads and writes the data to ordinary disk files. The complete JLOD database along with the collections and the documents are contained in a disk file. The folder is a database in JLOD while the file is a collection, and each line in the file is a document.


This library will be quite helpful for all those developers who want to develop serverless web applications using Python. It is meant for programmers with a stronghold on MongoDB concepts.


The library assumes that the readers have adequate exposure to MongoDB or any document-oriented database concepts. If you have worked on MongoDB, then it will help you further to grasp the concepts of the library quickly.

Copyright & Disclaimer

  1. Any user is permitted to reuse, distribute this library
  2. Any user can contribute to this library

Table of Contents

• Self Contained

• Performance

• Serverless

• Structure

• Installation

• Create Database

• Create Collection

• Add Documents

• Drop Collection

• Collection Size

• Get Documents

• Query Documents

• Sorting and Distinct

• Remove Document

• Update Document

• Truncate Collection

• Export Collection

• Import Collection

Self Contained

JLOD database stored data in a folder within an application, once the application is hosted to any server or build by any compiler, the database will remain along with the application. And data can be stored and retrieved without an internet connection.

  1. Folder is a database
  2. File is a Collection
  3. Object is a Document


Since the JLOD database stored data in a local folder within an application, the performance is extremely awesome. The application will not need to initiate an internet connection to access the stored data.


Since the JLOD database stored data in a local folder within an application, there is no need for a server. The database stored where ever the application is hosted.


JLOD library creates a folder as a Database and creates a file as a collection then adds a JSON array of objects to the files as a group of documents.


Install JLOD for python.

Open the command line and type in [ pip install jlod ]

The above command will install the JLOD library to your project, once the installation is done, you can import it to your project and begin to use it. To confirm JLOD installed perfectly, run this command [ jlod --version ] if it is installed the version of the JLOD installed will appear like jlod Version 0.0.1.

Create Database

from jlod import database dbi = database.connect('example').instance print(dbi)

Database name: example

Base on the above JLOD script, [example] is the database name, therefore folder will be created with the same name or the reference will be returned if the folder already exists. The instance of the database will now be returned and the stored in dbi variable.

The reference of the database created will look like below in the dbi variable.

<jlod.Database object at 0x00CC01A8>

With the dbi variable, you can manipulate the database.

Create Collection

from jlod import database dbi = database.connect('example').instance client = dbi.collection('users') print(client)

Collection name: users

Base on the above JLOD script, [users] is the collection name, therefore a file will be created with the same name or referenced of the file will be returned if the file already exists. The instance of the collection will now be returned and stored in the client variable. The reference of the collection created will look like below in the client variable.

<jlod.Database object at 0x038B01C0> With the client variable, you can manipulate the collection.

Add Documents The JLOD support two different ways to add a document to a collection

  1. Add a single document
  2. Add multiple documents

• Add a single document

from jlod import database import pymongo

dbi = database.connect('example').instance client = dbi.collection('users')

added = client.add({ "name": "Rabie", "gender": "Male", "age": 24, "city": "Los Angeles", "country": "America" }) if added: print("Document Added") else: print("Failed to add Document")

Output: Document Added • Add a multiple documents

from jlod import database import pymongo

dbi = database.connect('example').instance client = dbi.collection('users')

added = client.addMany([ {"name": "Jhon", "gender": "Male", "age": 24, "city": "New Delhi", "country": "India"}, {"name": "Zee", "gender": "Female", "age": 20, "city": "Lagos", "country": "Nigeria"}, {"name": "Frank", "gender": "Male", "age": 27, "city": "Toronto", "country": "Canada"} ]) if added: print("Documents Added") else: print("Failed to add Documents")

Output: Documents Added

Drop Collection

res = client.drop print(res)

Output: True Above JLOD script will drop [users] collection and return True as a response. If the collection doesn’t exist will also return True. Collection Size

from jlod import database import pymongo

dbi = database.connect('example').instance client = dbi.collection('users')

size = client.size print(size)

Output: 0 Above will return the size of [users] collection Get Documents

JLOD support 3 different ways to display all documents in the collection See examples below:

 from jlod import database
 import pymongo

 dbi = database.connect('example').instance
 client = dbi.collection('users')

 result = client.documents

 result = client.get('*')

 result = client.find()


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'T7ra8IIRqp1qsDic4nQvoRJjAx4Pbq'}, {'name': 'Jhon', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'New Delhi', 'country': 'India', 'id': 'd6PraKHTRdljH13EQLNUDRQLvj556W'},
{'name': 'Zee', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'lEtmtjZwZLZHUbFZFjbIAAkwzEXlNj'}, {'name': 'Frank', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 27, 'city': 'Toronto', 'country': 'Canada', 'id': 'O7MRcbdlZGzfy6VD8ghbJoTpy2qXPi'} ]

result = client.get(['name'])


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie'}, {'name': 'Jhon'}, {'name': 'Zee'}, {'name': 'Frank'} ] Above will get only name from the all documents in the collection

result = client.get(['name', 'age'])


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'age': 24}, {'name': 'Jhon', 'age': 24}, {'name': 'Zee', 'age': 20}, {'name': 'Frank', 'age': 27} ] Above will get name and age from the all documents in the collection

result = client.get(['name', 'age'], {
		"name": "Jhon",
	"age": 24


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'age': 24}, {'name': 'Jhon', 'age': 24} ] Above will get name and age from any document that contains name with value “Jhon” or age with value 24 in the collection

result = client.getOne(['name', 'age'], {
	 "name": "Jhon",
		 "age": 24


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'age': 24} ] Above will get name and age from any document that contains a name with value “Jhon” and age with value 24 in the collection and return one document of the result set.

Query Documents There are two types of logical Operators in JLOAD:

  1. AND

  2. OR AND => returns document that matches all given conditions OR=> returns documents that match any of the given conditions

    result = client.find({ "$and": {"name": {"$eq": "Rabie"}} })


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'y3wRXCDwx0cm2UHcB7LX2b1P8XymsC'} ]

Using the AND operator. Above will find any document that has key “name” and value equal to “Rabie”

result = client.find({
      "$or": [{"name": {"$eq": "Rabie"}}, {"age": {"$eq": 20}}]


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'y3wRXCDwx0cm2UHcB7LX2b1P8XymsC'}, {'name': 'Zee', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'fXjqWydHS6GEibY3JF84L0I9oEvNF0'} ]

Using the OR operator. Above will get any document that has a key name as “Rabie” or age as “23” in the collection.

result = client.findOne()


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'T7ra8IIRqp1qsDic4nQvoRJjAx4Pbq'} ] Above will return first one document from the entire collection.

result = client.findOne({
      "$and": {"age": {"$gt": 24}}


Output: [ {'name': 'Frank', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 27, 'city': 'Toronto', 'country': 'Canada', 'id': 'opSgQ8bMLirWfuPsFrNFtuQPJXUjbs'} ] Above will return the first one document that has key “age” with value greater than 24.

Sorting and Distinct

  1. Sorting is used in sorting data in certain format Accending or Descending.

see examples below

result = client.sort({"age": -1})


Output: [ {'name': 'Mary', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'fXjqWydHS6GEibY3JF84L0I9oEvNF0'}, {'name': 'Mary', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Toronto', 'country': 'Canada', 'id': 'opSgQ8bMLirWfuPsFrNFtuQPJXUjbs'}, {'name': 'Zee', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'PrmKnIWEbUtvyudWunPjSOfINmjX98'}, {'name': 'Jhon', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'y3wRXCDwx0cm2UHcB7LX2b1P8XymsC'}, {'name': 'Jhon', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'New Delhi', 'country': 'India', 'id': 'GV5fUn2SN8eX2eGn3nti6VfH6wVEEJ'}, {'name': 'Frank', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 27, 'city': 'Toronto', 'country': 'Canada', 'id': 'Xx3M1ub4F4lGwOWpQi1GicSweElwgm'} ] Above will sort all documents base on key “age” Deceinding order.

result = client.sort({"name": 1},{
  "$and": {"age": {"$eq": 20}}


Output: [ {'name': 'Zee', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'PrmKnIWEbUtvyudWunPjSOfINmjX98'}, {'name': 'Mary', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'fXjqWydHS6GEibY3JF84L0I9oEvNF0'}, {'name': 'Mary', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Toronto', 'country': 'Canada', 'id': 'opSgQ8bMLirWfuPsFrNFtuQPJXUjbs'} ] Above will sort all documents base on key “name” Accending order for all documents that has key “age” with value equal to 20.

  1. Distinct is used to get distinct data from a collection with no duplicate.

    result = client.distinct()


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'T7ra8IIRqp1qsDic4nQvoRJjAx4Pbq'}, {'name': 'Jhon', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'New Delhi', 'country': 'India', 'id': 'd6PraKHTRdljH13EQLNUDRQLvj556W'},
{'name': 'Zee', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'lEtmtjZwZLZHUbFZFjbIAAkwzEXlNj'}, {'name': 'Frank', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 27, 'city': 'Toronto', 'country': 'Canada', 'id': 'O7MRcbdlZGzfy6VD8ghbJoTpy2qXPi'} ] Above will return the distinct documents

result = client.distinct({
 "$and": {"city": {"$eq": "Los Angeles"}}


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'T7ra8IIRqp1qsDic4nQvoRJjAx4Pbq'}, ] Above will return the distinct documents for any document that has key “city” with value “Los Angels”

Remove Document In JLOD remove is used to remove the entire or specific document from a collection,

see examples below.



Output: True Anyone of the above will remove all documents in the collection

result = client.remove({
	  "$and": {"name": {"$eq": "Jhon"}}


Output: True Above will remove any document that has key “name” with value “Jhon” from the collection

result = client.remove({
   "$or": {"age": {"$gt": 27}}


    	Output: True

Above will remove any document that has key “name” with a value greater than “27”

Update Document JLOD update is used in updating documents of a specific collection. see examples below.

     "name": "Mary",
	     "age": 20

Output: True Above will update the key “name” to “Mary” and age to “20” for all documents in the collection. And if the key age doesn’t exist in the collection, it will be created

result = client.update( {"name": "Jhon", "age": 24},{
		"$and": {"city": {"$eq": "Los Angeles"}}


Output: True Above will update the name to “Jhon” and age to “24” on any document that has a city equal to “Los Angeles”.

Truncate Document

result = client.truncate


Output: True Above will remove all documents in the collection

Export Collection Export is used to export the entire or specific document in a JLOD collection to remote MongoDB see examples below.

from jlod import database
import pymongo

dbi = database.connect('example').instance
client = dbi.collection('users')

host = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
mydb = host["example"]
mongoClient = mydb["users"]

result = client.exportTo(mongoClient)


Output: True The above will export all the documents in JLOD users collection to MongoDB users collections.

result = client.exportTo(mongoClient, {
  "$and": {"name": {"$eq": "Zee"}}


Output: True Above will export any document that contains a name with value “Zee” from the JLOD users collection to remote MongoDB users collections.

Import Collection Import is used for importing entire or specific documents from the remote MongoDB collection to JLOD local database collection. See the examples below.

from jlod import database
import pymongo

dbi = database.connect('example').instance
client = dbi.collection('users')

host = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
mydb = host["example"]
mongoClient = mydb["users"]

result = client.importFrom(mongoClient)


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'T7ra8IIRqp1qsDic4nQvoRJjAx4Pbq'}, {'name': 'Jhon', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'New Delhi', 'country': 'India', 'id': 'd6PraKHTRdljH13EQLNUDRQLvj556W'},
{'name': 'Zee', 'gender': 'Female', 'age': 20, 'city': 'Lagos', 'country': 'Nigeria', 'id': 'lEtmtjZwZLZHUbFZFjbIAAkwzEXlNj'}, {'name': 'Frank', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 27, 'city': 'Toronto', 'country': 'Canada', 'id': 'O7MRcbdlZGzfy6VD8ghbJoTpy2qXPi'} ] Above will import all the documents from remote MongoDB users collections to JLOD users collection

result = client.importFrom(mongoClient, { "$and": {"name": {"$eq": "Zee"}} })


Output: [ {'name': 'Rabie', 'gender': 'Male', 'age': 24, 'city': 'Los Angeles', 'country': 'America', 'id': 'T7ra8IIRqp1qsDic4nQvoRJjAx4Pbq'}, ] Above will import any document that contains key “name” with value “Zee” from the remote MongoDB users collections to JLOD users collection

End of the library documentation If you want to contribute or discover any errors or suggestions on the code or logic, please notify us at contact@jload.org.