
Hotel Management App

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Spec and Learning Goals


See original project spec at http://frontend.turing.io/projects/overlook.html

Project Organization

Notion Board [https://www.notion.so/79f270a681e84a58a62c4b8248732128?v=388b847a16954998824310d5920fcfcf]

Add your image files in the src/images directory. Similar to CSS files, you need to import image files in the JavaScript entry file (index.js). Then go into the HTML and add an img element with the src attribute pointing to the images directory. There is an example in the index.html file for you to see.

How to View the App Locally

In your terminal, run:

npm start

Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to view the code running in the browser.

Test Files Organization

Similar to feature code, your test code needs to be put in a specific place for it to run successfully.

Put all of your test files in the test directory. As a convention, all test filenames should end with -test.js. For

Linting Your Code

Run the command in your terminal npm run lint to run the linter on your JavaScript code. There will be errors and warnings right from the start in this starter kit - the linter is still running successfully.

Your linter will look at the JavaScript files you have within the src directory and the test directory.