
software UART implementation for java

Primary LanguageJava


this is a java software uart implemention.

getting started

to use software-uart, the first thing that you need is a Trasceiver. fot that you need to implement ir.kia.communication.uart.Transceiver. this interface contains only 2 methods, one for send data and one to recieve the data. and the values to send or receive is abinary value (0/1)

Next, create a new instance of ir.kia.communication.uart.UART and you are ready to go. you can use write method to send data from transceiver and check in variable for any inputs from transceiver. additionaly you can define a trigger while instantiating UART which will be triggered whenever a new data is available to read. UART use default serial configuration (8N1 @ 9600). If you need, you can define another ir.kia.communication.uart.SerialConfig and define it when constructing UART instance.

Do not forget to call the stop method at the end of you code, to stop threads responsible for reading and writing.