Lean Mean Meme Machine

##A super rad meme generator by LOLcat Labz AKA Sarah Kim, Allison Bojarski, Dison Ruan, and Jaellys Bales

Access Code 2.1 @ C4Q


  • Take a photo (or provide your own) and...
  • Create vanilla memes (your classic image with Impact typeface)!
  • Create demotivational posters (for the cynic in us all)!
  • Save your hilarious and surely original meme to camera roll!
  • Share your meme via email, social media, and more!
  • Create memes from templates (Success Kid, Scumbag Steve, etc.)!
  • DOGE!
  • For more, see project requirements: https://github.com/accesscode-2-1/unit-2/blob/master/homework/week-0.md


  • Jae: I took on an unofficial team lead role, coordinating with members, integrating their code within the project, managing our repo, etc. Lots of code surgery, testing, debugging. I coded the share functionality, general styling, and made layout edits. As far as time spent, I'd estimate 15 hours and counting (I did a lot of doc reading and debugging!). Will be adding other contributions for Sunday's demo. EDIT (Sun, 06/07): I also made several gallery/camera/template revisions, added dialog prompts, added a doge meme generator...would estimate close to 30 hours now.

  • Allison: I created the camera.java and gallery.java files, working on them Sunday during class and also getting some assistance during office hours. I also was able to make myself available all day Thursday and most of Friday to help with debugging and adding on last-minute additions as we pulled the project together. I'd estimate I spent 30 hours on the project, between researching/learning, coding itself, getting better at git push/pull/merge, and testing/debugging.

  • Sarah: I made initial skeleton drafts of the camera and gallery intents. Then split the task of creating vanilla and demotivational memes with Allison. Afterwards, made a meme generator template to implement in the camera and gallery activities. I also made rough drafts of the layouts used in the project which were later updated by all. I've been working on the project almost every day, clocking at least 3+ hours per day, spent on researching, implementing, debugging.

  • Dison: I did the initial main activity(menu page), saveMeme and LoadViewToBitMap class, and Template activity. Approximately 10 hours.


  • Fix auto-rotate of camera images captured in portrait.
  • Finalize layouts.
  • Add more options to meme editor.
  • Add more templates! (COMPLETE)
  • Super secret special bonus?! <3 (COMPLETE)