Unit 2 Assessment Test

This is designed to run with Android Studio with Unit Testing support enabled in Android Studio's Gradle settings.

Watch what this app does here:



Import the project into Android Studio by selecting Import Project and selecting the project's build.gradle. When prompted, you can pick the default gradle wrapper.

Running Tests

To run the test , open Android Studio's Build Variants pane and change the option Test Artifact to Unit Tests. You can then right click on Unit1AndroidAssessmentTests and run the tests.

Your run configuration should look like this:



You can run the following commands in the terminal with the curl command.

HTTP GET request we'll be using:

$ curl "https://httpbin.org/get?custname=james+dean&custtel=347-841-6090&custemail=hello%40c4q.nyc&size=small&topping=cheese&delivery=18%3A15&comments=Leave+it+by+the+garage+door.+Don%27t+ask+any+questions."

HTTP POST request we'll be using:

$ curl -X POST \
    -d "custname=james dean" \
    -d "custtel=347-8431-6090" \
    -d "custemail=hello@c4q.nyc" \
    -d "size=small" \
    -d "topping=cheese" \
    -d "delivery=22:15" \
    -d "comments=Leave it by the garage door. Don't ask any questions." \


Do work on each part before trying to get any part in its entirety. In order to pass the exam, you must make an effort in each of the four parts.

  • To pass 1, you must use the adapter pattern correctly.
  • To pass 2, you must make the network call off the UI thread.
  • In part 3, focus on tests 18 and 19. To pass, show us you know how to read and write to/from storage.
  • To pass 4, you must use the Notification Builder pattern correctly.

When you are done, go outside and talk to a TA. Even if no tests are passed, the TA can make judgements about your code and determine if you understand this material well enough to move on.