
🏪 buybuylone is a simple e commerce platform for buying and selling technology products. You can get so many recommendation to improve your buying quality

Primary LanguageHTML



Webpack is a bundler for javascript and others. We can packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be bundle.js


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Table of Contents


🏪 buybuylone is a simple e commerce platform for buying and selling technology products. You can get so many recommendation to improve your buying quality

Getting Started

Here is how to get started with buybuylone project:


npm install


Here is how to get started developing the project.


  1. Go to the bash and run this
npm run build:css
  1. Go to the index.html than add the class
  2. ctrl + s to save the file and reload the class from tailwindcss


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