
mixOmics supporting MultiAssayExperiment class - in development

Primary LanguageR

This package is a developing implementation of mixOmics Bioconductor package.

The aim is to:

  • implement roxygen2 documentation, and
  • support MultiAssayExperiment datasets.
  • support more intuitve input formats tailored to data integration such as formula class entry and support of assay names.


The package is not complete/tested yet, but feel free to try it using:


You need to install the data package to be able to run the examples:



  • August 2019: pls family functions now support MultiAssayExperiment and formula classes as input. check out example.
  • July 2019: pca family functions now support MultiAssayExperiment data. see example.

PLS family now supports MultiAssayExperiment and formula classes

suppressMessages({library(mixOmics2); library(mixOmics.data)})

## with X and Y as matrices
X <- linnerud$exercise
Y <- linnerud$physiological

pls.res_XY <- pls(X = X, Y = Y)
pls.res_fm <- pls(formula = Y ~ X)
pls.res_fm_MAE <- pls(data = linnerud.mae, formula = physiological~exercise)
## same output for all three
identical(pls.res_XY[-1], pls.res_fm[-1])
## [1] TRUE
identical(pls.res_XY[-1], pls.res_fm_MAE[-1])
## [1] TRUE

See examples/pls.R, examples/spls.R, examples/splsda.R,… for more.

PCA family now supports MultiAssayExperiment data

suppressMessages({library(mixOmics2); library(mixOmics.data)})

## example with MultiAssayExperiment class
pca.res <- pca(X = multidrug.mae, assay = 'ABC.trans', ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE)
plotIndiv(pca.res, ind.names = multidrug$cell.line$Class,
          group = as.numeric(as.factor(multidrug$cell.line$Class)))

See examples/pca.R, examples/spca.R, … for more.