
A basic crud application using React, Redux and Express.


To setup and run you need to download or clone the project. Then, you can run the project both manually and using Docker.

  • Docker

    You need docker installed in your system. Go to root directory of the project and run docker-compose up -d. The application will up and running after completing task.
  • Manual Setup

    • Go to backend folder run npm install then npm run dev to run in development mode or npm start to run production.
    • Go to frontend folder and run npm install && npm start to run frontend.

After completing the setup browse http://localhost:3000 for frontend and http://localhost:5000 for backend.


You can register new User or use:

  • email: lim@gmail.com
  • password: q1w2e3r4

Tech Stack

  • typescript@4
  • react@17
  • react-redux@7
  • formik@2
  • express@4


Swagger documentation is not completed yet. Instead you can use Rest Client extention of VSCode. Go to backend/src/http and you will find appropriate files of testing.


To test backend apis go to backend folder and run npm run test.


  • User login
  • User registration
  • Products list
  • Wish List (Add/Remove)


  • Product searching api is not completed yet.