
Higrow arduino-based / ESP32 soil moisture sensor

Primary LanguageC++

Higrow / ESP32

The board and project

The project and the board have been started by lucafabri who seems to have moved to other things since then.

The current program is very stable.

It can be bought on:

Note: I moved away from this project because the moisture sensor turned out to be totally unreliable after a few weeks of usage.

What this program does

  • Connect to one of the known wifi networks
  • Read the soil moisture sensor
  • Automatically calibrate its sensor for min/max values
  • Fetch the settings associated with each device
  • Send the sensor value on the eedomus home automation cloud. This part can be easily replaced by another home auomation solution.

Known issues

  • Light reading doesn't work, it seems to be an hardware issue
  • Coming back from deep sleep is not properly handled, probably a software issue. It has no impact at this stage thought
  • The current consumption never goes below 40mA, thus making it unsuited for low consumption
  • The program might get stuck if there's a (even temporary) wifi connection issue. As such there's a timer-based software watchdog logic to restart the device when this happens.

Getting started with it

  • Install the USB to serial driver
  • Install the Arduino IDE
  • Setup the ESP32 board
  • Install the DHT sensor library for ESPx
  • In the Aruino IDE, in tools,
    • Select the matching serial port in the IDE (/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART on Mac Os X)
    • Select the board type "ESP32 Dev Module", the programmer "AVRISP mkII"
    • Load the folder of this repository
    • Build & Start the upload (CMD+U)
    • Press the "boot" button for a few seconds