
The Mercury Template is a complete, modular template for OpenCms - http://opencms.org

Primary LanguageJava

The OpenCms Mercury Template

A full-featured, customizable, great looking responsive template for OpenCms

The Mercury Template is a complete, modular template for OpenCms. It is based on Bootstrap 5 and allows you to create simple or advanced grid-layouts with drag & drop. It packs a ton of CSS features and JavaScript plugins that have carefully been integrated to be simple to use for the content manager. And it ships with all Java and SASS sources so you can fully customize it for your unique requirements.

Release history

Version 17 - April 9 , 2024:

  • Updated for OpenCms 17.
  • "Job posting" allows to set detailed SEO meta information for employment type, salary and more.
  • New "Spacer" dynamic function to add customizable spacing between elements.
  • The "Map" now supports clustering nearby markers.
  • The "Map" marker info popups can now optionally display a link and the facility icons.
  • The "Event" now can now optionally show a map for the event location.
  • New "Link sequence" formatter with fold / unfold option.
  • The "Dynamic list" now returns to the last page and scroll position when using the browser "back" button.
  • Combined list filters for a "Dynamic list" are displayed more prominently and can easier be removed.
  • Selected individual "Form" data sets for CSV or Excel export.
  • Individual icons in link sequences can be placed behind the text using "icon-last".
  • "Person" and "Organization" have an additional field "Notice".
  • Option to set "robots" meta information for individual pages.
  • Updated all icon sets.
  • All NPM dependencies have been updated to a recent version.

Version 16 - October 2, 2023:

This version provides incremental improvements. Mercury 16 should be largely backward compatible with the 15 version.

  • Updated for OpenCms 16.
  • New "Image tile display" formatter for the "Tabs / Accordion" element.
  • New "Search slot" function to display a full text search input anywhere on a page.
  • For the "Dynamic list", several content filters on the same page are now combined.
  • Option to generate contact forms instead of email links for person and organization.
  • Option to hide the text of list teasers on mobile displays.
  • Added an icon collection with 267 national flags.
  • Added the open source Font Awesome icon collections "Brand", "Solid" and "Regular".
  • Updated all included Google fonts to a recent version.
  • Bootstrap updated to 5.3.2.
  • jQuery updated to 3.7.1.
  • All NPM dependencies have been updated to a recent version.

Version 15 - April 25, 2023:

This version provides incremental improvements. Mercury 15 should be largely backward compatible with the 14 version.

  • Updated for OpenCms 15.
  • Bootstrap updated to 5.2.3.
  • Improvements / bug fixes in SCSS / CSS.
  • Integrated over 1800 Bootstrap icons.
  • Events now feature an optional link to mark them as online or mixed events.
  • Events now feature an optional cost table.
  • Image series can now displayed as square images, slides or in masonry layout.
  • Images in a slider now have an optional reelease and expiration date.
  • New "Link box" formatter for the content section.
  • The "Image tile" formatter for the content section has more options for letter placement.
  • Places / POI can now be displayed in lists.
  • Advanced options to output sections in article and event detail pages.
  • If an image has a description property, this is now used as "alt" text instead of the title.
  • All NPM dependencies have been updated to a recent version.

Version 14 - October 11, 2022:

This version updates the underlying Bootstrap framework to 5.2 and provides incremental improvements to several other features. Mercury 14 should be largely backward compatible with the 13 version.

  • Updated for OpenCms 14.
  • Bootstrap updated to 5.2.
  • SCSS / CSS now makes use of CSS variables (custom properties).
  • New dynamic function "Search slot".
  • Page in tabs and accordions can new directly be opened with a hash-URL (#).
  • Flexible content now uses source code editor based on CodeMirror.
  • Cookie-free page request statistic collection support when using Matomo.
  • Cookie banner can now be closed with an "x" without consenting to anything.
  • Decoys in lists show a special marker in the page editor.
  • Simple layout rows with 3-3-3-3 or 2-2-2-2-2-2 now can show either one or two columns in XS screens.
  • Improved options for lists using image tile teasers.
  • New font option "Work Sans".
  • Updated the Slider element to use the jQuery free Embla slider, also adding some new element settings.
  • Updated PhotoSwipe to the lasted, jQuery free version.

Version 13 - April 13, 2022:

This update adds the 'Burger' variant for the Mercury template and provides incremental improvements to several other features. Mercury 13 should be largely backward compatible with the 12 version.

  • Updated for OpenCms 13.
  • Added the 'Burger' template variant that displays a burger menu for all display sizes.
  • Greatly improved the accessibility of template.
  • Added a 'skip to content' link for screen readers.
  • Added automatic tab indexing for all headings on a page.
  • Integrated the Hyvor Talk comment service with a dynamic function.
  • New setting for the accordion formatter to allow multiple open entries at once.
  • The link sequence formatters can now generate icon, text, css, title and id for each entry in a sequence.
  • The POI content has a new facility option 'Accessible public restrooms available'.
  • The flexible content formatter has a new setting to hide the output depending on screen size.
  • The dynamic list content filters formatter allows to show filters either folded or unfolded depending on screen size.
  • Improved the export options for the webform data.
  • A new setting on layout areas allows to show the side column on top of the main content on mobile devices.
  • Fixed the display of image copyright information for certain formatters.
  • Bootstrap updated to 4.6.1.
  • All NPM dependencies have been updated to a recent version.

Version 12 - October 12, 2021:

This is a major update of the Mercury template. Mercury has been used to create hundreds of websites since the initial 11.x release in 2019. A lot of fine-tuning and issue fixing has been included in this release. Mercury 12 should be largely backward compatible with the 11 version.

  • Updated for OpenCms 12.
  • Configurable cookie banner that allows users to opt-out of statistical and external cookies.
  • Contact informations in lists.
  • iCalendar links for events.
  • Media element extended with SoundCloud audio, external video and external audio option.
  • Added several options to show the copyright information for images.
  • Content sections can be displayed as image tile.
  • Content sections can be hidden based on the screen size.
  • Image size for content sections can be set separately for 'desktop' and 'mobile'.
  • Added center / left / right alignment options to the content section.
  • Decoys linking to an invalid content are automatically hidden.
  • Improved the CAPTCHA session handling for the webform.
  • Using maplibre-gl instead of mapbox-gl to display OSM vector maps.
  • Using 'Fork awesome' instead of 'Font awesome' for icons.
  • The SCSS has been improved for several edge cases.
  • Bootstrap updated to 4.6.0.
  • jQuery updated to 3.6.0.
  • Using recent dart sass to compile the SASS sources to CSS.
  • All NPM dependencies have been updated to a recent version.

Version 11.0.2 - August 18, 2020:

  • Updated for OpenCms 11.0.2.

Version 11.0.1 - September 4, 2019:

  • Updated for OpenCms 11.0.1.
  • New flexible header layout group added.
  • Additional options to display content section links.
  • Option to display categories in download lists.
  • Added many new fonts and improved font handling in SCSS.
  • Added support for hyphenation, enabled by default.

Version 11 - April 30, 2019:

  • Initial release with OpenCms 11.0.0.

Main Mercury features

  • Create simple or complex grid-layouts via drag & drop using layout row / area / group elements.
  • 'Content section' element that can be formatted in many ways to place text, images or a combination thereof everywhere on a page.
  • 'Article' element that supports tags, all kind of sort options as well as archive display.
  • 'Event' element including support for recurring events.
  • 'Image series' element that create gallery like image series with support for zooming individual images.
  • 'Media" element that for referencing to external media files. e.g. YouTube videos.
  • 'List' configuration that can be used to create lists from articles, events, image series, media and more elements.
  • 'Decoy' element that allows to create content for lists that point to external pages.
  • 'Contact information' element with hcard microformat generation for persons or organizations.
  • 'Point of interest (POI)' to describe locations with geo coordinates.
  • 'Location map' allows to display interactive maps with multiple points based on OpenStreetMap or Google maps.
  • 'FAQ entry' element to build basic lists for FAQs.
  • 'Job advertisement' element to create job ads.
  • 'Link sequence' element to simple bullet point lists for navigation and other purposes.
  • 'Slider' element that allows the content manger to create image slideshows or logo carousels.
  • 'Flexible content' element that can be used to place any kind of HTML or JavaScript markup on a page.
  • 'Meta info' element element that can be dropped on any page to add SEO meta information
  • 'Form' element that allows you to create even complex email forms without a single line of code.
  • 'Navigation' element for the generation of head menu and / or sidebar navigations.
  • 'Sitemap' element for the generation of sitemaps.
  • 'Shariff social media' element based on Shariff.
  • Disqus comments function that can be placed on any page.
  • Optimized image generation that automatically creates multiple image variations for different screen sizes.
  • Full featured search function with support for categories, facets and "did you mean" suggestions in case of misspellings.
  • Privacy policy functions that display a cookie banner and enable users to manage their cookie preferences.
  • Flexible header layout group that allows to create multiple header layouts easily.

Each of the above functionality can be placed on a web page using OpenCms unique drag & drop mechanism. Many of the elements include multiple format options and can create dozens of output variations.

For the technical minded here are some more background facts about Mercury:

  • SASS sources CSS gurus can style the complete HTML output with individual CSS-themes using Mercurys SASS and npm infrastructure.
  • All minified Mercurys npm build process minifies all CSS and JavaScript to give website visitors the best page loading performance.
  • Source maps provided Mercury provides full CSS and JavaScript source maps so you can see the original sources in the Chrome or Firefox developer tools.

A demo website for the Mercury template is shipped as part of the main OpenCms download.

Customizing Mercury from source

The rest of this page deals explains the technical process of how to customize the template from source. This is required only if you require full control of all aspects of the HTML / CSS being generated.

Structure of the repository source files

The Mercury template source code is available on GitHub.

This repository contains all the Mercury functionality shipped with the demo.

The template's static resources, i.e., CSS, JavaScript, fonts and images are all bundled in the module alkacon.mercury.theme. Here you find all CSS and JavaScript used by Mercury in minified CSS and JavaScript files.

Java sources are located in the folders starting with ./alkacon.mercury. The structure of these folders is required by OpenCms.

The CSS themes are generated from the resources under ./template-src/scss.

The JavaScript is generated from the resources under ./template-src/js.

Building the Mercury CSS and JavaScript

To customize the template, you can add or change files under template-src and then use SASS / npm to compile the sources and place the results in the alkacon.mercury.theme module.

To create Mercurys CSS and JavaScript resources from source, you need to setup a compile environment with SASS and npm. There are many articles available in the web on the details on how to setup such an environment, so we will provide only some brief details about the process here. We will assume that you have the basic environment already in place here.

You need to check out this repository from GitHub first. Then run

sudo npm install

to install all dependencies required to compile the template's sources.

Once all dependencies are installed, you can trigger the compilation by running

npm run dist

in the repository's root folder.

After running npm, the repository will have a new folder ./build/npm/ with three sub-folders. The sub-folder 03_minified/ contains the final CSS resources that you can copy to the alkacon.mercury.theme module. The result has to be copied to the folder /system/modules/alkacon.mercury.theme/.

You can also set the environment variable OCMOUNTS to point to a folder where the compilation result should be copied to. The intention is to mount the VFS of the OpenCms installation you develop on and set OCMOUNTS to point to the mount point. Then the CSS and JavaScript sources are updated automatically in the installation and you can see your changes in action.

Customizing Mercurys CSS

Our npm process uses SASS to generate minified CSS files (with source maps).

The Mercury Template uses CSS themes. By default, the themes theme-blue and theme-red are available.

Our npm process generates one minified CSS file (with source map) for each theme. There is also one additional CSS file generated that contains resources shared by all themes.

To write your own theme, you could add add an .scss file in the folder ./template-src/scss-themes/, e.g., theme-custom.scss.

The simplest adjustment to do in your theme is to change the color values of $main-theme, $main-theme-hover and $main-theme-additional, but you can overwrite any of the variables defined in one of the .scss files under ./template-src/scss/. Of course, you can also add your own variables and style definitions.

Customizing Mercurys JavaScript

Our npm process uses Webpack to generate minified JavaScript files (with source maps) that are shared by all generated CSS themes.

The main entry script is called mercury.js. Other scripts are either directly included here, or loaded on demand when required on the web page.

You can modify or extend the files found in ./template-src/js according to your requirements.

Building the Mercury OpenCms modules

Mercurys modules are built using Gradle. The interesting targets are:

  • dist_{module name} to build a single module (includes building the module's JAR if required)
  • jar_{module name} to build only a module JAR
  • bindist to build all modules

The module alkacon.mercury.template.democontents contains a complete web site built with the Mercury Template. It serves as demonstration of the various content elements that are part of the template.

The OpenCms Documentation has more details about the general process required to build general OpenCms modules. Here we want to focus on the special way the Mercury CSS / JavaScript sources are build.


The Mercury template is copyright (c) by Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG http://www.alkacon.com

This template is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This template is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for the full text of the GNU Affero General Public License.