
Demonstrate using Kalium to rotate public keys in asymmetrical JWTs based auth in a micro-services ecosystem

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Demonstrate using Kalium to rotate public keys in asymmetrical JWTs based auth in a micro-services ecosystem

This demo consist of two microservices:

  1. A trusted-authority - this service is responsible for signing JWT tokens that are used to authenticate and authorize calls in all other services.
  2. A secured-service - an example of a service that uses asymmetrically signed JWT to authenticate and authorize external calls.

The secured-service, for demo purposes, provides exposes a REST API method, GET /securedHelloWorld. The service expects to get a signed JWT with every API call. If the JWT is valid, the service returns "Hello World". However, if it's not, the service returns "Invalid token :(".

Since asymmetrically signed JWTs are in use, the secured-service needs to know what is the public key of the signer which signed the tokens.

The trusted-authority is the one responsible for signing the JWTs. It exposes a REST API for signing tokens, POST /issueSignedToken. The API expects a list of claims that are added to the signed JWT. In return, the API response with a base64 encoded JWT token, signed with RSA SHA256 key.

Here's an example of a request payload:

    "greet" : true