
Reusable flow diagram blocks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flowblocks - Reusable flow diagram blocks

Building flow diagrams

Flowblocks - Reusable flow diagram blocks

General info

Building blocks


Specifies block attributes and behaviour

In Flowblocks each block that is created in the diagram is a block of a given type. Types allow to specify all attributes and block behaviour, they are like a template from which all blocks of given type are created.

Name Type Description
name string Unique Name/Id of the type, when block is created this is passed as its type (block property block._type is set to this value)
template string Ports template to be used when block of given type is created. See PortTemplates for more details.
style `string object`
icon string Name of the flowblocks preset icons or a link to a resource that is an icon. See flowblocks-icons for a list of available icons.
configurables array<objec> Array of configurables definitions. These specify what custom attributes can be set on the block. See Configurables for a detailed description.
category string When there are plenty of available block types that can be used to build flowblocks diagrams category can be used to group types into similar categories. When used in graphical designer this usually is rendered as groups of available types
validationSrc string Source code of a custom validation functions. See Validations for a detailed description of how such a function should be constructed


Specifies input and output port for a block

Name Description
Start Types that use this template have only one output port named out1. These are always used as an input/start blocks in diagrams
End Types that use this template have only one input port named in1. These are always used as an output/end blocks in diagrams
PassThrough Types that use this template have single input port named in1 and a single output port out1.
Split Types that use this template have single input port named in1 and a two output ports named out1, out2.
Join Types that use this template have two input port named in1, in2 and a single output port out1.
Mixer Types that use this template have two input port named in1, in2 and a two output ports named out1, out2.


Block represents a single element on a flow diagram

Each block is represented by inputs and outputs (connections with other blocks) as well as block parameters that can be configured by user.

Each block has its state (valid/invalid). Each time block is changed (either connection is added or configurable value is changed) validation is triggered and block state is updated accordingly.

Each block has a definition of parameters that can be configured on the block. The definition defines the name, type and mandatory of the configurable.


Name Type Description
configurablesDefinitions array<object> Definition of configurables available in the block
configurablesDefinitions.id string Name/Id of the configurable. When calling block.get/setConfigurable() this id/name is used
configurablesDefinitions.label string Label of the configurable. Used to display in designer/ui
configurablesDefinitions.placeholder string Placeholder of the configurable. Used to display in designer/ui
configurablesDefinitions.type string Type of the configurable. One of TEXT, NUMBER, LIST, BOOLEAN
configurablesDefinitions.options array<{v,l}> Used when type of configurable is LIST. Provides available options on the list that can be selected by the user
configurablesDefinitions.required boolean When true user must provide the configurable of the block will be marked as invalid
configurables array<{i: configurable name/id, v: configurable value}> Configuration parameters of the block. Each time configuration parameter is updated block revalidation is performed


When block is updated validations are triggered. There are two types of validations for each block.

Built in validations

These include

  • checking that all ports (input/output) are connected
  • checking that all configurables markes as required are provided

Custom validations

Each block can have its custom validations. Configuration of the custom validation is by providing custom validation function for block:

function (blockData) {
    var errors = [];   
    var item = blockData.configurable('units');
    if(item && (isNaN(Number(item))||Number(item)<0 ||!Number.isInteger(Number(item)))){
        errors.push({ code: 'P_UNITS', cId: 'Units', msg: 'Units must be a positive integer' })
    return errors;

Each custom validation functions takes blockData as its input and is expected to return array of errors. When there are no errors (validation successfull) then error array must be empty, when there are any validation errors then these errors must be put into the resulting error array.




Returns type definition registered with given name

var typeDefinition = flowblocks.getDefinition('myType');
Kind Parameter Type Description
Argument name string Required Name of the configurable
Returns `string number



Returns configurable value with given name

var units = block.getConfigurable('units');
Kind Parameter Type Description
Argument name string Required Name of the configurable
Returns `string number


Returns block configurables array

var configurables = block.getConfigurables();
    var idName = configurable.i;
    var value = configurable.v;
Kind Parameter Type Description
Returns array<{i, v}> Array of block configurable items


Returns validation status of block

var status = block.getStatus();
var isValid = status.valid;
var errors = status.errors;
    var errorCode  = error.code; // 'FIELD_REQUIRED',
    var errorAttributeId = error.cId;
    var errorMessage = error.msg// 'Field ['+requiredItem.id+'] is required'
Kind Parameter Type Description
Returns object Status of the block
Returns .valid boolean True when block is valid
Returns .errors array<{code, cId, msg}> Array of errors
Returns .errors[i].code string Error code
Returns .errors[i].cId string Id of the invalid element/property/configurable
Returns .errors[i].msg string Error message

block.setConfigurable(name, value)

Sets/updates configurable with given name. Revalidation is performed.

Kind Parameter Type Description
Argument name string Required Name of the configurable
Argument value any Required Value of the configurable


Sets/updates configurables. Revalidation is performed.

var configurables = [
    {i: 'name1', v: '7'},{i: 'name2', v: 'something'},
Kind Parameter Type Description
Argument configurablesArray array<{i, v}> Required Configurables array


Model lifecycle events


Emmited when model is saved (either via creation or update). Updated values are returned

Parameters Description
datatype type of the entity
specificationId id of the saved entity
specificationVersion version of the saved entity
specificationData data of the saved enitty