- 2
dot_zshrc/zshenv syntax is not set to zsh
#79 opened by moutazhaq - 1
- 1
- 9
vim.opt.filetype is empty on non-chezmoi files
#74 opened by Nitestack - 1
Breaks formatter plugins
#76 opened by redbeardymcgee - 1
- 2
- 2
- 2
E492: Not an editor command
#70 opened by mirenradia - 9
- 1
- 0
- 3
This plugin does not work with `lazy.nvim`
#57 opened by latipun7 - 3
- 16
Can't figure how to get it to work
#45 opened by xfzv - 1
- 1
chezmoi.vim should have a proper vim help file
#36 opened by j-xella - 4
- 1
- 2
Does it support windows?
#28 opened by sm1999 - 0
Update README according to improve `chezmoi edit`
#22 opened by alker0 - 5
`.bashrc.tmpl` not highlighted
#20 opened by g6ai - 1
'E121: Undefined variable: original_abs_path' when opening files in `.chezmoitemplates`
#23 opened by g6ai - 1
- 0
Add gif and png of demo screen to README
#4 opened by alker0