Review Assignment Due Date Login with your Northeastern credentials and read the Project Specifications here.

Instructions to setup and run project

Run Mongod:

brew services start mongodb-community@7.0

Run Server:

SERVER_SECRET=webdev nodemon server.js

Run Client:

npm start

Run Tests:

npx cypress open

Team Member 1 Contribution - Saleh

  • Create Account
  • Welcome Page
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Server Routes + Schemas
  • All Tags
  • Comments

Team Member 2 Contribution - Vidhi

  • Homepage
  • New Question
  • Searching
  • New Answer
  • Answers
  • User Profile
  • Active Filter

Test cases

# Use-case Name Test case Name Status
1 Welcome Page Content Check Test-1.1 Passing
2 Register Page Content Check Test-1.2 Passing
3 Login page navigate to Test-1.3 Passing
4 Proceed as Guest navigate to Test-1.4 Passing
5 Welcome Page navigate to Test-1.5 Passing
6 Confirm Class and IDs 1/2 Test-1.6 Passing
7 Confirm Class and IDs 2/2 Test-1.7 Passing
8 Register User, Success Test-2.1 Passing
9 Register User, Existing Username Test-2.1.1 Passing
10 Register User, Existing Email Test-2.1.2 Passing
11 Register User, Passwords dont match Test-2.1.3 Passing
12 Register User, Add Answer Test-2.2 Passing
13 Register User, Login, See all buttons Test-2.2.1 Passing
14 Login, Success Test-2.3 Passing
15 Login, Username incorrect Test-2.3.1 Passing
16 Login, Password incorrect Test-2.3.2 Passing
17 Login, Fields Missing Test-2.3.3 Passing
18 Login, Ask Question with Existing Tag Test-2.4 Passing
19 Login, Ask Question with New Tag, High Rep Test-2.4.1 Passing
20 Login, Ask Question with New Tag, Low Rep Test-2.4.2 Passing
21 See Tags Page Test-2.5 Passing
22 Profile Page Test-2.6 Passing
23 Ask Question Empty Title Error Test-2.7 Passing
24 Ask Question Empty Text Error Test-2.7.1 Passing
25 Ask Question Empty Tag Error Test-2.7.2 Passing
26 Asks Question with text more than 100 characters Test-2.7.3 Passing
27 Asks Question with more than 5 tags Test-2.7.4 Passing
28 Asks Question with tag length more than 20 Test-2.7.5 Passing
29 Ask Question, Invalid Hyperlink. Test-2.7.6 Passing
30 Upvote Question, Reputation Check Test-3.0 Passing
31 Downvote Question, Reputation Check Test-3.1 Passing
32 Filter Unanswesred, Ask Question, Confirm Test-3.2 Passing
33 Open Question, Confirm Current Answers Test-3.3 Passing
34 Login, Filter Newest, Upvote Answer, Confirm Test-3.4 Passing
35 Login, Filter Active, Upvote Answer, Confirm Test-3.5 Passing
36 Upvote Answer, Reputation Check Test-3.6 Passing
37 Downvote Answer, Reputation Check Test-3.7 Passing
38 Search Tags, Check Responses Test-4.0 Passing
39 Search Text, Check Responses Test-4.1 Passing
40 Search Tags and Text, Check Responses Test-4.2 Passing
41 Search, No results found Test-4.3 Passing
42 View Questions, Sort by Newest Test-5.1 Passing
43 View Questions, Sort by Active Test-5.1.1 Passing
44 View Questions, Sort by Unanswered Test-5.1.2 Passing
45 View Answers to question Test-5.2 Passing
46 Add Answer to question, Success Test-5.3 Passing
47 Add Answer to question, Missing Text Test-5.3.1 Passing
48 Add Answer to Question, Invalid Hyperlink Test-5.3.2 Passing
49 Guest Accessing Application Test-6.0 Passing
50 Guest can see questions Test-6.1 Passing
51 Guest cannot access profile page Test-6.2 Passing
52 Guest cannot ask a question Test-6.3 Passing
53 Guest cannot answer a question Test-6.4 Passing
54 Guest cannot comment Test-6.5 Passing
55 Guest cannot vote Test-6.6 Passing
56 Create comment for question Test-7.0 Passing
57 Create comment for question fails low rep Test-7.0.1 Passing
58 Create comment for question too many characters Test-7.0.2 Passing
59 Create comment for answer Test-7.1 Passing
60 Create multiple comments for question, paginate Test-7.2 Passing
61 Create multiple comments for answer, paginate Test-7.3 Passing
62 Tags render correctly, correct count Test-8.0 Passing
63 Tags Correct Count after adding question Test-8.1 Passing
64 Tags Click Shows Questions Test-8.2 Passing
65 Authentication Logout Test-9.0 Passing
66 Authentication Logout then try to ask question Test-9.1 Passing
67 Authentication Logout then try to see profile Test-9.2 Passing
68 Profile See Content Test-10.0 Passing
69 Profile, See Reputation and Days on FSO Test-10.1 Passing
70 Profile, See Questions, Tags, Answers Test-10.2 Passing
71 Profile, Edit Question and see Changes Test-10.3 Passing
72 Profile, Edit Answer and see Changes Test-10.4 Passing
73 Profile, Edit Tag and see Changes Test-10.5 Passing
74 Profile, Delete Question and see Changes Test-10.6 Passing
75 Profile, Delete Answer and see Changes Test-10.7 Passing
76 Profile, Delete Tag and see Changes Test-10.8 Passing
77 Security, User can only get their data Test-11.0 Passing
78 Security, Editing questions, answers, or tags Test-11.1 Passing
79 Security, Session Persisting on refresh Test-11.2 Passing
80 Security, Unsecure URLs are managed correctly Test-11.3 Passing
81 Security, Code injection in text is managed Test-11.4 Passing
82 Security, Guest cannot access user data Test-11.5 Passing
83 Accept an answer Test-12.0 Passing

Design Patterns Used

  • Four design patterns were implemented in this project for extra credit.

1. Facade Pattern:

  • Design Pattern Name: Facade Pattern
  • Problem Solved: The Facade Pattern in our application simplifies complex operations by providing a more direct interface. It hides the intricate underlying logic of various operations, thereby simplifying the interaction for other parts of the application. We can see examples of this in React as well as the server endpoints.
  • Location in code where pattern is used: route_questions.js, route_answers.js, AnswerCardTiming.js, QuestionCardTiming.js

2. Observer Pattern:

  • Design Pattern Name: Observer Pattern
  • Problem Solved: The Observer Pattern allows for a subscription-like mechanism where objects (observers) watch for changes in another object (subject). In the context of our FSO application, it's used for monitoring database connection states. We specifically see this for MongoDB, and can be thought of as a form of an observer pattern in the sense that our database connection maintains a list of listeners, specifically to notify of a state change.
  • Location in code where pattern is used: server.js

3. Singleton Pattern:

  • Design Pattern Name: Singleton Pattern
  • Problem Solved: The Singleton Pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. We found this pattern to be useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. We specifically use the Singleton Pattern in our application with the mongoose connection. This single instance of the mongoose connection is used throughout the application to interact with the MongoDB database. By ensuring only one connection instance is created and used, the site maintains a consistent state and efficient resource usage.
  • Location in code where pattern is used: server.js

4. Factory Pattern:

  • Design Pattern Name: Factory Pattern
  • Problem Solved: The Factory Pattern provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. It's particularly useful when the system needs to be independent of how its objects are created. The elementFactory module is where the Factory Pattern is implemented. This module's create_element function acts as a factory, creating different elements like Question, Answer, and Tag. This pattern abstracts the creation logic, making the process of object instantiation more flexible and maintainable.
  • Location in code where pattern is used: elementFactory.js,route_questions.js


  • Coverage was completed in this assignment for extra credit.
  • You can run coverage by running the tests npx cypress open
  • The results can be seen in testing/coverage/lcov-report/index.html
  • Please see a screenshot of the diagram in artifacts/coverage_results.png