
Final Project of NEU WebDev CS5610 -- Originally at WebDev_FinalProject(https://github.com/whysgai/WebDev_FinalProject)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CodeSaver (V2.1)

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Client Repo | Server Repo

What is CodeSaver?

CodeSaver is an application designed for the purpose of helping developers of various computer languages save, find and recycle their code with ease. The platform includes a number of features that allow users to find, read, and edit code saved in snippets. Users can create and edit their own snippets, search snippets by tag/topic, view and save other users' snippets, and view admin-recommended snippets. They can also import snippets from and export snippets to GitHub via the GitHub Gists API.

Meet the Team:

Saleh Alkhalifa | Nic Shepard | Will Cohen

Built With:

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Highlighted Features

Full User Authentication:

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Integrated Code Editor:

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Search for Snippets Easily:

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How to run CodeSaver Locally

Clone the project:

git clone git@github.com:whysgai/WebDev_FinalProject.git

Install Dependencies:

npm install

Run the application:

npm run start-local

How to access CodeSaver online:

To access CodeSaver online, please visit this url.

Sample Test Users

Test Github

  • group3person / nicsalehwill3

Backend UML Diagram:

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