CS 5610 - Whiteboard Application (Angular)

Assignments & Updates:

Assignment 7: Implementing Component Based Dynamic Web Interfaces with Angular:

  • Implementation of the MEAN stack to develop an online Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Developed nested routes and components to implement embedded Angular user interfaces.
  • Implemented navigation using Angular Routing.
  • Integrated the Angular Application with RESTful APIs.
  • Deployed the Angular 11 application to Heroku.

Assignment 8: Implementing RESTful Services API with Node.js and Express:

  • Refactored the code to include a services package and a controllers package.
  • Data is still being read in via JSON files. This will change in Assignment 9.
  • The API was deployed to Heroku and is available online.
  • The API is readily utilized by an Angular 11 application that renders and grades quizzes.

Assignment 9: Persisting Data in Non-Relational Databases with MongoDB and Mongoose

  • External API was connected to a non-relational MongoDB database using Mongoose.
  • Quizzes component was added for True/False and Multiple Choice which are automatically graded.
  • Graded quizzes are posted to the server, and the grade is displayed along with the attempt #.
  • The API was deployed to Heroku and is available online.
  • The API is readily utilized by an Angular 11 application that renders and grades quizzes.