Single Server, Key-Value Store (TCP and UDP)

CS 6650 Northeastern University

Spring 2024


  • Make the client interactive
  • Docker is optional, but not required
  • Follow directory structure from guidelines
  • Create a file
  • You must also use two distinct L4 communication protocols
  • Your implementation may be written in Java
  • Your source code should be well-factored and well-commented.
  • The client must take the following command line arguments hostname/IP and Port and protocol
  • The client should be robust to server failure by using a timeout mechanism
  • if it does not receive a response to a particular request, you should note it in a client log and send the remaining requests
  • You will have to design a simple protocol to communicate packet contents
  • Three request types along with data passed along as part of the requests
  • The client must be robust to malformed or unrequested datagram packets
  • If it receives such a datagram packet, it should report it in a human-readable way
  • Every line the client prints to the client log should be time-stamped with the current system time
  • You may format the time any way you like as long as your output maintains millisecond precision
  • You must have two instances of your client (or two separate clients)
  • The server must take the following command line arguments: port numbers for TCP and UDP
  • The server should run forever (until forcibly killed by an external signal, such as a Control-C
  • The server must display the requests received, and its responses, both in a human readable
  • that is, it must explicitly print to the server log that it received a query from a particular InetAddress and port number
  • The server must be robust to malformed datagram packets
  • If it receives a malformed datagram packet, it should report it in a human-readable way (length + address:port)
  • Every line the server prints to standard output or standard error must be time-stamped with the current system time (i.e., System.currentTimeMillis()).
  • You may format the time any way you like as long as your output maintains millisecond precision
  • You must have two instances of your server (or two separate servers)
  • You should use your client to pre-populate the Key-Value store with data and a set of keys.
  • Once the key-value store is populated, your client must do at least five of each operation: 5 PUTs, 5 GETs, 5 DELETEs.
  • Create an executive summary comprising “Assignment overview”, “technical impression”, and three use cases to apply this in practice.
  • “Assignment overview” (1 paragraph, up to about 250 words) explaining what you understand to be the purpose and scope of the assignment
  • “technical impression” (1–2 paragraphs, about 200–500 words) describing your experiences while carrying out the assignment.
  • Provide a use case (application) 3 where you would apply this in practice.
  • Attach screenshots of your testing done on your local environment.


There are three methods to run the code for your convenience.

1. Quick Start:

Compile the Java code:

cd src
javac server/*.java client/*.java

Run the Server:

cd src
java server.ServerApp 1234 4321 

Run the Client:

cd src
java client.ClientApp localhost 1234 tcp
java client.ClientApp localhost 4321 udp

2. Quick Start Scripts:

Alternatively, you can run the .sh files instead:

chmod +x

chmod +x

3. Run Docker:

cd src
sudo ./
sudo docker build -t project-1-client-image --target client-build .

sudo ./ project-1-client-container 1111 tcp
sudo ./ project-1-client-container 5555 udp

Screen Shots:

Starting the server: Starting Server

Running Client Executable: Client Start

End of the Client Executable: Client End

Server Logs: Server Logs

Docker Server Logs: Docker Server Logs

Docker Client Output: Docker Client Logs