Project 4: Multi-threaded Key-Value Store using RPC

CS 6650 Northeastern University

Spring 2024

Project 4 New Requirements:

  • integrate the capability to ensure continual operation of your KV-store despite replica failures
  • implement Paxos to realize fault-tolerant consensus amongst your replicated servers
  • must implement and integrate the Paxos roles we described in class, and as described in the Lamport papers
  • including the Proposers, Acceptors, and Learners
  • focus on the Paxos implementation and algorithmic steps involved in realizing consensus in event ordering
  • Client threads may generate requests to any of the replicas at any time
  • To minimize the potential for live lock, you may choose to use leader election amongst the proposers
  • acceptors must be configured to "fail" at random times
  • Each of the roles within Paxos may be implemented at threads or processes
  • at a minimum the acceptor threads should "fail" periodically
  • could be done as simply as having a timeout that kills off the thread (or returns) after some random period of time
  • A new acceptor thread could then be restarted after another delay which should resume the functions of the previous acceptor thread
  • even though it clearly won't have the same state as the previously killed thread
  • you may earn extra credit for the project if all roles are constructed to randomly fail and restart

Project 1 & 2 & 3 Remaining Requirements:

  • Replicate your Key-Value Store Server across 5 distinct servers.
  • to increase Server bandwidth and ensure availability, you need to replicate your key-value store at each of 5 different instances of your servers.
  • Note that your client code should not have to change radically
  • Clients should be able to contact any of the five KV replica servers instead of a single server and get consistent data back from any of the replicas (in the case of GETs).
  • You client should also be able to issue PUT operations and DELETE operations to any of the five replicas.
  • On PUT or DELETE operations you need to ensure each of the replicated KV stores at each replica is consistent.
  • To do this, you need to implement a two-phase protocol for updates.
  • We will assume no servers will fail such that 2 Phase Commit will not stall
  • Although you may want to defensively code your 2PC protocol with timeouts to be sure.
  • Consequently, whenever a client issues a PUT or a DELETE to any server replica, that receiving replica will ensure the updates have been received (via ACKs) and commited (via Go messages with accompanying ACKs).
  • You need to enable your client and server to communicate using Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) instead of sockets
  • If you’ve implemented Project #1 in Java, you may want to look into and leverage Java RMI for RPC communication
  • You need to make your server multi-threaded such that you can handle multiple outstanding client requests at once.
  • The key result is that your servers should be able to handle requests from multiple running instances of you client doing concurrent PUT, GET, and DELETE operations.
  • Due to the addition of multi-threading, you will need to handle mutual exclusion.
  • Make the client interactive
  • Docker is optional, but not required
  • Follow directory structure from guidelines
  • Create a file
  • Your implementation may be written in Java
  • Your source code should be well-factored and well-commented.
  • The client must take the following command line arguments hostname/IP and Port and protocol
  • if it does not receive a response to a particular request, you should note it in a client log and send the remaining requests
  • You will have to design a simple protocol to communicate packet contents
  • Three request types along with data passed along as part of the requests
  • The client must be robust to malformed or unrequested datagram packets
  • If it receives such a datagram packet, it should report it in a human-readable way
  • Every line the client prints to the client log should be time-stamped with the current system time
  • You may format the time any way you like as long as your output maintains millisecond precision
  • The server should run forever (until forcibly killed by an external signal, such as a Control-C
  • The server must display the requests received, and its responses, both in a human readable
  • The server must be robust to malformed datagram packets
  • If it receives a malformed datagram packet, it should report it in a human-readable way (length + address:port)
  • Every line the server prints to standard output or standard error must be time-stamped with the current system time (i.e., System.currentTimeMillis()).
  • You may format the time any way you like as long as your output maintains millisecond precision
  • You should use your client to pre-populate the Key-Value store with data and a set of keys.
  • Once the key-value store is populated, your client must do at least five of each operation: 5 PUTs, 5 GETs, 5 DELETEs.
  • Create an executive summary comprising “Assignment overview”, “technical impression”, and three use cases to apply this in practice.
  • “Assignment overview” (1 paragraph, up to about 250 words) explaining what you understand to be the purpose and scope of the assignment
  • “technical impression” (1–2 paragraphs, about 200–500 words) describing your experiences while carrying out the assignment.
  • Provide a use case (application) 3 where you would apply this in practice.
  • Attach screenshots of your testing done on your local environment.


There are two methods to run the code for your convenience. The first is the command line. The second is a script that will provision everything. Five separate servers are provisioned per the specification. The client will interact with the servers randomly and dynamically, mimicking a real world scenario. Interactions are RPC-based, and the client will populate the KV store will preliminary data. This offers consistency since any interaction will be with a server at random, per the TAs recommendation. A two phase protocol is implemented, with timeouts just in case. Everything is eventually logged and persisted in the logs directory. A class diagram is provided to showcase the architecture. If running multiple times, please delete the logs directory (I did not automate this on purpose) to have a fresh start.

1. Quick Start:

Compile the Java code:

cd src
server/*.java utils/*.java main/ coordinator/*.java
client/*.java utils/*.java main/

Run the Server:

cd src
java main.ServerMain

Run the Client:

cd src
java main.ClientMain

2. Quick Start Scripts (No Docker):

Alternatively, you can run the .sh files instead:

chmod +x

chmod +x

Screen Shots:

Class Diagram: Class Diagram

Starting Client: Client Start

Starting Client With Script: Client Start

Starting Server: Client End

Client Logs: Client Logs

Server Logs: Server Logs