
Animated Graph which you can include in your application to show information in more attractive way

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Animated Graph which you can include in your application to show information in more attractive way

  1. You need to download and import folder Graph to your project
  2. Add View to ViewController and choose classname GraphView
  3. Choose IBDesignable colors in Interface Builder
  4. Make IBOutlet of GraphView
  5. Configure GraphView with method
/// At first you need to configure graph with launch data.
/// - Parameters:
///   - points: Launch array of points
///   - columnNames: Bottom located column names.
///   - title: Title of graph
func configure(withPoints points: [Double], columnNames: [String]?, title: String?)

/// Animate Graph to min values
func animateToMinValues()

/// Use this method to animate graph with other points and column names.
/// - Parameters:
///   - points: Array of points
///   - columnNames: Array of column names
func animate(withPoints points: [Double], columnNames: [String]?)
  1. To animate use method
/// Use this method to animate graph with other points and column names.
/// - Parameters:
///   - points: Array of points
///   - columnNames: Array of column names
func animate(withPoints points: [Double], columnNames: [String]?)

If you have problems, just look at the example of usage in ViewController.swift