
A script to sync freshdesk contact to 3cx database

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


A script that link Freshdesk helpdesk contacts to 3CX IPBX

3CX import is made using PostgreSQL database


You need postgresql-server-dev-X.Y installed on the server You also need python3-dev. If using Debian based system :

apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-${PSQL_VERION} python3-dev

You also need to create a PostgreSQL Role to be able to write to the specific database. As the postgres user on the server :

GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE database_single TO freshdesk_to_3cx;

psql database_single
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO freshdesk_to_3cx;
GRANT ALL ON public.phonebook TO freshdesk_to_3cx;
GRANT ALL ON public.sqphonebook TO freshdesk_to_3cx;
# Create a index on the column where we store freshdesk id
CREATE INDEX pv_an6_idx ON phonebook (pv_an6);

You also need to add an enterprise entry on one contact to enable extra columns in database.

By default, you have

psql database_single
psql (9.6.17)
Type "help" for help.

database_single=# \d phonebook
                                  Table "public.phonebook"
     Column     |          Type          |                     Modifiers
 idphonebook    | integer                | not null default nextval('sqphonebook'::regclass)
 firstname      | character varying(255) | default ''::character varying
 lastname       | character varying(255) | default ''::character varying
 phonenumber    | character varying(255) | default ''::character varying
 fkidtenant     | integer                |
 fkiddn         | integer                |
 company        | character varying      |
 tag            | character varying      |
 pv_an3         | character varying      |
 pv_an5         | character varying      |
 pv_an6         | character varying      |
 pv_an1         | character varying      |
 pv_crm_contact | character varying      |
    "idphonebook_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (idphonebook)
    "pv_an6_idx" btree (pv_an6)
Check constraints:
    "phonebook_check" CHECK (fkiddn IS NOT NULL OR fkidtenant IS NOT NULL)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "phonebook_fkiddn_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (fkiddn) REFERENCES dn(iddn) ON DELETE CASCADE
    "phonebook_fkidtenant_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (fkidtenant) REFERENCES tenant(idtenant) ON DELETE CASCADE

After contact update you should have

psql database_single
database_single=# \d phonebook
                                  Table "public.phonebook"
     Column     |          Type          |                     Modifiers
 idphonebook    | integer                | not null default nextval('sqphonebook'::regclass)
 firstname      | character varying(255) | default ''::character varying
 lastname       | character varying(255) | default ''::character varying
 phonenumber    | character varying(255) | default ''::character varying
 fkidtenant     | integer                |
 fkiddn         | integer                |
 company        | character varying      |
 tag            | character varying      |
 pv_an3         | character varying      |
 pv_an5         | character varying      |
 pv_an6         | character varying      |
 pv_an1         | character varying      |
 pv_crm_contact | character varying      |
 pv_an0         | character varying      |
 pv_an2         | character varying      |
 pv_an4         | character varying      |
 pv_an7         | character varying      |
 pv_an8         | character varying      |
 pv_an9         | character varying      |
    "idphonebook_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (idphonebook)
    "pv_an6_idx" btree (pv_an6)
Check constraints:
    "phonebook_check" CHECK (fkiddn IS NOT NULL OR fkidtenant IS NOT NULL)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "phonebook_fkiddn_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (fkiddn) REFERENCES dn(iddn) ON DELETE CASCADE
    "phonebook_fkidtenant_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (fkidtenant) REFERENCES tenant(idtenant) ON DELETE CASCADE


The easiest way to install is inside a virtualenv

  1. Create the virtualenv (Python 3!) and activate it:
git clone https://github.com/alkivi-sas/freshdesk-to-3cx
virtualenv -p python3 ~/venv/freshdesk-to-3cx
source ~/venv/freshdesk-to-3cx/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Change the conf file :
cp .config-example .config
vim .config


  1. From a terminal :
source ~/venv/freshdesk-to-3cx/bin/activate
  1. A restart of the 3CX service is necessary, we are currently looking how to avoid it