Building an autonomous robot in a team of 5 students which followed a white line on a track using reflective sensors and PID controllers by coding in Arduino and C++.
- Team leader for both hardware and software in a team of 5 students
- Implemented the award-winning algorithm (Track Length Estimation Award) in C++ to measure the distance covered by the robot accurately to 3 decimal places (code found in
Source Code/distancecalc.cpp
) - Implemented the coding of the motors, the interface of the sensors and multiple other functions such as steering, stop and turn-around (code found in
Source Code/FinalCode - Group 37.cpp
) - Designed the stripboard of the reflective sensors (stripboard implementation found in
) - Converted the stripboard to a PCB (PCB found in
) - Created the CAD models for the body of the buggy (models found in