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DI Framework Comparison |
DI(Dependency injection)Its a popular concept for decoupling client and server implementations. DI encourages you to use the constructor patterns which means passing the target dependency as a param when the creation source object happens.
DI in scala can be achieved by 2 ways:
- Macwire
- scaldi
- guice
- subcut
- Grafter
Pure Scala
- Cake pattern =>Notes: its an anti pattern.
- Reader Monad => Cats Notes: Remove dependencies from function arguments, and remodel the functions as partially-curried on those dependencies.pass them to monadic functions with run() method(not via function arguments).But it has some performance overhead and it makes the scope of dependencies ambiguous.
- Dependency Injection in Functional Programming : This approach needs to use IO Monad library like Cats Effect.
Comparison chart
Framework | Dynamic Runtime Binding /Compile time dependency check | Type safety | Auto-wiring | Constructor injection | Lazy/eager evaluation switch | Provider Bindings | Life-Cycle management | Additional notes |
Pure scala | Compile | Yes | Yes | Yes(Manual argument passing) | Lazy only | Limited need to use implicits | Need to use IO monad library like Cats | |
MacWire | Compile | Yes | Yes | Yes | Lazy only | Use wireWith | Yes(inject interceptor with using reflection) | Use wire keyword to create dependency No need for lazy vals. |
Google Guice | Dynamic | No | Yes | Yes(Requires @Inject annotation) | Both | Yes Need to define special classes called Provider.: And @provider annotation | | |
Scaldi | Dynamic | No | Yes (Need to extends with Module)Example:class AkkaModule extends Module | Yes | Both | Yes use toProvider Example: | Yes | Scaldi uses implicit Injector parameter, which is necessary for the implementation of annotation/reflection-free injection mechanism. Scaldi also has several features that I haven't seen in guice, like conditional bindings, propertiy injector or macro for constructor injector (which is similar to macwire, but uses scaldi's injection mechanism). |
Reader Monad:
Plain construction injection:
val permRepo = new PermissionRepoImpl
val repo = Repo(userRepo, permRepo)
val createUserResp = UserHandlerWithConstructor.createUser(repo, User(1001, "lambda", "admin"))
Injection using monad: A type parameter, a constructor that takes an element of that type, and a flatMap method
val permRepo = new PermissionRepoImpl
val repo = Repo(userRepo, permRepo)
val createUserResp = UserHandlerWithMonad.createUser(User(1001, "lambda", "admin")).run(repo)
Signature of function: def createUser(user: User): Reader[Repo, Long]
Testing with Macwire
// main code
package shunting {
trait ShuntingModule {
lazy val pointSwitcher = wire[PointSwitcher]
lazy val trainCarCoupler = wire[TrainCarCoupler]
lazy val trainShunter = wire[TrainShunter]
// test
class ShuntingModuleItTest extends FlatSpec {
it should "work" in {
// given
val mockPointSwitcher = mock[PointSwitcher]
// when
val moduleToTest = new ShuntingModule {
// the mock implementation will be used to wire the graph
override lazy val pointSwitcher = mockPointSwitcher
// then
Compile-time dependency injection:
- libraries: Macwire etc.
- pros: Can validate the presence of dependencies at compile time.
- cons: Less flexible (e.g., No dynamic type binding)
- cons: Need to enumerate all dependencies in the same scope (lengthy code).
- cons: Hard to implement life cycle management (e.g., onStart, onShutdown, etc.).
Run-time dependency injection
- libraries: Google Guice, etc.
- pros: Allows dynamic type binding.
- pros: Simpler binding codes. Only need to bind direct dependencies.
- pros: inject event handler (Guice).
- cons: Missed binding founds as a runtime error.
scaldi comparison score sheet Providers!topic/scaldi/TYU36h7kGqk
P.S: Oleg Ilyenko has passed away so not sure about the maintenance of scaldi. Not to mention he was creator of sangria too :sad: