
A curated list of public figures who have been diagnosed with autism

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A list of public figures who have been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome or autistic spectrum disorder.

This list exists for the following reasons:

  1. To foster autistic pride
  2. I like making lists ;-)

The list is in alphabetical order of first name.


People who have stated they received an official diagnosis from a medical professional.

Name Known for Source
Anthony Hopkins Actor wikipedia
Bradley Riches Actor wikipedia
Chris Packham TV Presenter, Photographer The Guardian 1
Dan Harmon Creator of TV shows Rick & Morty, Community wikipedia
Daryl Hannah Actor wikipedia
Harry Stine 2 Farmer, Businessman Forbes 3
Heather Kuzmich Fashion model wikipedia
Jack Beaven-Duggan Electric guitar, backing vocals, The AutistiX theautistix.com
Jared O'Mara British politician, Member of Parliament wikipedia
Saul Zur-Szpiro Drummer, The AutistiX theautistix.com
Susan Boyle Singer wikipedia
Temple Grandin Scientist, animal behaviorist, author wikipedia
Wentworth Miller Actor, Prison Break, The Flash wikipedia

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  1. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/feb/14/inside-our-autistic-minds-review-this-beautiful-documentary-will-make-you-see-the-world-differently

  2. https://www.forbes.com/profile/harry-stine/

  3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexmorrell/2014/03/28/from-farm-boy-to-billionaire-harry-stines-7-insights-for-entrepreneurs/