This is a code implemented in collaboration with:

Code style

To keep similar code style, it should be formatted using black:

black -S -l 79 {source_file_or_directory}

Quick start conda setup

conda create --name {env_name} python=3.7
conda install -n {env_name} matplotlib docopt ipython mpi4py
conda install -n {env_name} -c anaconda pyyaml
conda install -n {env_name} pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
conda install -n {env_name} tensorboardx -c conda-forge

Optional, if NVIDIA gpu is present:

pip install pycuda


All models should be located in GANs_dir. The class and the file that contains the class should have identic name. For example, class:

class CNN_model(GANs_abstract_object.GANs_model):
